The GNU has set out to plunch South Africa into deeply intrenched neoliberal capitalism which will amount to greater inequality, unemployment and poverty, Socialism Nomuntu Omusha attempts to answer questions on this triple threat that continues to advance structural violence and institutional oppression on the poor, landless and lower-income communities of South Africa. The launch will be hosting a Surplus Radical bookshop vendor, we will be joined by activists, academics, creatives, development practitioners, artists and grassroots leaders from across Cape Town and greater Cape Colony. We will have representation from all sectors and social groupings of our society. Leaders of the progressive caucus in parliament have been invited to give comment and seek theoretical clarity from the great thinker and author Mr. Wa Sekake. After the presentation and Q&A there will be spoken word artists and DJ RealROZZANO will be playing some sets, Wave Café will be having a no-host bar to fuel further networking and discussion among those in attendance until 6pm. In efforts to demonstrate the radical left's consistent work to develop and raise the social and political consciousness of the people. The ultimate commitment to deepening the struggle for a socialist democracy in our lifetime, everyone is invited to engage in the launch programme of Socialism Nomunt'Omusha, Taking the Oath of Revolution. A diverse collective of young Radicals from corners of society and different organisations have come together to make this event possible. The collective which is made up of representatives from NGOs, political parties and social movements.
We invite you to attend the book launch on 1 September 2024 at the Wavé theatre Café at 44 Long Street Cape Town.
Date: 1 September 2024
Time: 14:00 for 15:00 -18:00
Venue: Wavé Theatre, 44 Long Street , CPT
Socialism Nomuntu Omusha attempts to answer questions such as: what would a just society be like in practical terms? how do we bring it about? who should bring it about? what are the possibilities and pitfalls inherent in the struggle for a just world in the context of settler-colonial and capitalist imperialist power relations? so, from rubbishing off weird assumptions about Black people in particular, and staking claims to be human and capable of living our lives independent of capitalist imperialist, white paternalistic structures, Socialism Nomuntu Omusha presents a case on how policies and institutions that should usher in, and bulwark, a just society should be. they must, for instance, have a moral and ethical basis. they must mold a particular character of an individual - a morally and ethically upright individual, guided by values of compassion, empathy, mutual trust, respect, love, cooperation, etc. the two texts (re)present an important triad of praxis, theory and practice (in the quest for human freedom proper). the texts can be read in isolation, but they could make more sense if read together. Socialism Nomuntu Omusha is about the nature of our doing, particularly as far as the imperative of building organizations, structures, institutions and policies in our quest for a just world is concerned. through them reflections meet actions, theory meet practice, praxis meet power!
For media inquiries and further information email: [email protected] or WhatsApp us on 0847878033