Come see a FREE and fun show filled with dance, humor, story telling, and music TOMORROW at the Whalen Commons Bandshell in the heart of Poolesville! Presented by Hope Garden Children's Ballet Theatre and Riverworks Art Center!! #poolesvillemd #poolesvilledance #freedanceperformance #whalencommons #artsinpoolesville #supporttheartsinyourcommunity #balletjazztaphiphop #coppeliaballet #springtimeisshowtime
Well good morning, Captain! The students of Essence Studios, Dance & Performing Arts are ALL about multiple genres and styles of fun through dance! Come see our expert Beginner Tap class bring the classic painting, “American Gothic” to life during our FREE spring performance, “Leaping Off the Canvas”, June 3 @ 1pm and 6pm in the Whalen Commons bandshell in the heart of Poolesville! Also, please bring a nonperishable food item to support WUMCO Help Inc.! Come on out to Poolesville y’all! You know you wanna see some happy kids cuttin’ the rug! #freedanceperformance #poolesvilledance #poolesvillemd #tapdancers #springtimeisshowtime #whalencommons #summerfamilyfun