Documentary "Stories from Coal Mining Town - Jingtong Chapter"
Saturday, Oct 26, 2024, 2:00 PM – 4:10 PM
TECO-Culture Center @ 133-32 41st Rd, Flushing, NY 11355
Between 2019 and 2021, the artist Wei Jane Chir delved deep into the Pingxi Mountains in northern Taiwan. This small town was once a bustling coal mining hub, much like many other post-industrial areas worldwide. When coal mining gave way to new energy sources, these mining towns faced the harsh fate of being abandoned and left to decay. Jingtong was known as "Taiwan's coal town" during its heyday, with thousands of people bustling in and out. However, when the mining industry declined, Jingtong's population dwindled to just a hundred people.
So, how did these few remaining residents bring back the town's former vitality through their cherished memories? How did they go about revitalizing their hometown? In this episode, "The Jingtong Chapter," we'll follow in the footsteps of those who believe that "shared memories shape the essence of life." We'll listen to the stories of the last remaining miners, watch videos documenting the town's past, hear from foreign planners, and speak to residents who witnessed its former prosperity.
In Taiwan, there's more to explore than just pretty landscapes. The place has a rich history that go... | Videos | Gan Jing World - Technology for Humanity | Video & Movie Streaming