¿Están listos? BUENA VISTA SOCIAL CLUB starts performances at the Schoenfeld Feb 21. Get your tix for this hot brand new musical coming to Broadway! #latinosonbroadway #buenavistasocialclub #broadway #latinoartists #salsa #cuba #salsa #representationmatters #latines #havana #latinamericanmusic
Have you heard the news about Real Women Have Curves the Musical ? Tell us in the comments what you’re looking forward to most. #rwhc #realwomenhavecurves #broadway #latineartists #representationmatters #rwhcmusical #sergiotrujillo #community #revolutionthroughevolution #familia #latina #latinos
DAY 2 is a look back at the innovative new musical BARBA: A Brazilian Body Percussion Musical. This 2024 highlight was our showcase production culminating from our 2024 Beyond Workshop Seres in collaboration with Pregones / PRTT . We want to thank all the artists, creative team and crew who helped us bring to life this inspiring and sensational story about the life of Fernando Barba. What did you like most about the show? #12daysofthanks #barbathemusical #iamrevlatina #bodypercussion #fernandobarba #brazilianbodypercussion #barbatuques #RevLatina #d2gb #community #daretogobeyond #artistlife #revolutionthroughevolution #rlfamilia #BWS2024 #beyondworkshopseries #bws
DON’T MISS our BWS ALUMNI on a BROADWAY STAGE, this Monday and Tuesday at @bcefa ‘s #redbucketfollies! Directed by @lsalgadoart , @revlatina is bringing together industry professionals like @neeneemartin from @moulinrougebway with our Beyond Workshop Series students for a performance you don’t want to miss. Get yout ticket here: https://broadwaycares.org/pre-event/red-bucket-follies-2024/ #barba #realwomenhavecurves #americano #buenavistasocialclub #nyc #iamrevlatina #revolucionlatina #daretogobeyond #bws #beyondworkshopseries #bwsalumni
#iamrevlatina 💙 ¿Qué significa R.Evolución Latina para ti? @revlatina is many things... What do YOU think it represents? Tell us in the coments😊 #iamrevlatina #daretogive#daretogobeyond #nyc #RevLatina #d2gb #community #artistlife #fundraising #revolutionthroughevolution #rlfamilia #cabaret #broadway #dare2give #familia
Be WICKED-ly GOOD and DARE TO GIVE! We’re 8 days away and more than a third on our way to reach our goal of 100k. Don’t wait till the last minute to donate. Put on your shiz wear and click this link: https://donate.broadwaycares.org/campaign/dare-to-give-campaign-2024/c613425. #wickedmovie #wicked #dancingthroughlife #shiz #daretogive #iamrevlatina #daretogobeyond #nyc #RevLatina #d2gb #community #artistlife #fundraising #revolutionthroughevolution #rlfamilia #cabaret #broadway #dare2give
Don’t miss this SPECIAL OFFER! Presale Code RWMXC1 for the new Broadway production of REAL WOMEN HAVE CURVES: THE MUSICAL. RL Advisor and longtime supporter Sergio Trujillo will be directing and choreographing this powerful story, which will feature many talented Latine artists.To share the excitement, they’ve provided a PRESALE CODE exclusively for you! The code is valid until Sunday, November 24th, at 9:59pm, so don’t miss this opportunity to secure your tickets early. Let’s come together to support our stories and celebrate this milestone for our community. Get your tickets now, and we’ll see you at the show! #realwomenhavecurves #rwhcmusical #rwhc #josefinalopez #serjiotrujillo #joyhuerta #broadway #playbill #lisaloomer #latine #representation
The DARE TO GIVE campaign allows us to offer the Doreen Montalvo Scholarship each year, continuing the legacy of @doreencita and celebrating her with cabarets like the “I AM” cabaret we had last month. Help us go to dare beyond! Link to donate: https://donate.broadwaycares.org/campaign/dare-to-give-campaign-2024/c613425 #daretogive #iamrevlatina #doreenmontalvo #doreenmontalvoscholarship #daretogobeyond #nyc #RevLatina #d2gb #community #artistlife #fundraising #revolutionthroughevolution #rlfamilia #cabaret #broadway #dare2give
Need one more reason why you should DARE TO GIVE? Ayúdanos a seguir creando arte con nuestros jóvenes. Hey campers, what was YOUR favorite part of the Camp? Link to donate: https://revolucionlatina.org/dare-2-give-2024/ #daretogive #iamrevlatina #daretogobeyond #nyc #RevLatina #d2gb #community #artistlife #fundraising #revolutionthroughevolution #rlfamilia #cabaret #broadway #dare2give
TODAY IS THE DAY to make a difference in a children's life. DARE TO GIVE as we try to reach $100k. What should this year's camp theme be? Tell us in the comments. Link: https://donate.broadwaycares.org/campaign/dare-to-give-campaign-2024/c613425 #revlatina #daretogobeyond #d2gb #community #rlfamilia #broadway #revolucionlatina #revolutionthroughevolution #artistlife #childrenartist #daretogive #givingtuesday #trending #fyp #otd
Have you seen BEYOND? Our DOCUMENTARY on our BEYOND WORKSHOP SERIES will be screening at the International Puerto Rican Heritage Film Festival . Don’t miss this moving story and see the impact R.Evolucion Latina is having in these artists’ lives. #beyond #daretogive #iamrevlatina #daretogobeyond #nyc #RevLatina #d2gb #community #artistlife #fundraising #revolutionthroughevolution #rlfamilia #cabaret #broadway #dare2give
¡Ayúdanos a llegar a la meta! $100k para poder continuar ofreciendo entrenamiento gratuito a nuestros artistas jóvenes y adultos en NYC el año que viene. ¡Forma parte del movimiento y atrévete a MÁS! Link: https://revolucionlatina.org/dare-2-give-2024/ #daretogive #iamrevlatina #daretogobeyond #nyc #RevLatina #d2gb #community #artistlife #fundraising #revolutionthroughevolution #rlfamilia #cabaret #broadway #dare2give