The Picking and Grinning Country/Bluegrass Festival is now known as the Picking and Grinning Campout and Jam Session. The Iowa Governor made a proclamation yesterday that we still have to practice social distancing, and The Farm Museum is not big enough for that. I have been talking to the Chamber of Commerce and City Hall and asked them if we could have a campout and jam there Friday, August 21, and Saturday, August 22. They are both very excited about it. Camping is $15.00 a night but no tent camping is allowed, On Friday night we will just have acoustic jams all over the campground. On Saturday we will start a jam with mics and amplifiers at 10:00am and go all day. It will be like our monthly jams but will go on longer. The pavilion in the picture above will be our stage. Five or six musicians will be on stage and do 2 songs and back up other singers. Others with instruments and singers will sit in the front row and sing their 2 songs and so on. The Backup musicians can change off. If others want to, they can go off under a shade tree and have acoustic jams. They said they had to be in groups no larger than 6. We still have to take precautions to keep everyone safe. We will be getting some mic covers for singers and when you go to sing you will need to put one on the mic and remove it when you are done. You can keep it for the next time you sing or throw it away. There will not be a food wagon there as planned before. Those of you that go to our monthly jams know that I always have the coffee pot on, a jug of iced tea and some kind of food. But there will be done of that there. Bring your own everything. There are lots of good restaurants real close to the park. Penny's Dinner, Cornstalk Cafe, Subway, McDonalds, Burger King, and Arbys. The Chamber of Commerce would like me to get some pictures of some that will be attending so they can put it in the paper. There will be bathrooms open. Please let me know if you think you can make it. Hope to see a lot of you there, and hope this is the last change I have to make. But if the Governor closes all parks down again we will have to cancel it.