Our great City of Minot and all snow removal contractors are doing the very best they can! Please give them all some grace! I know they have all be up for days now trying to clear this snow!
We at Snowmen on 34th appreciate you all!
Here’s a little update for all 50,000 inquiring minds (we counted)
Today will be a far more productive day, it was a slow start on Thursday because many of our contractors or employees were also snowed in. It took some time for our Avengers to assemble.
Some things that continue to slow us down⬇️
Cars and pickups are a big issue on the street. Check to see if you can wiggle those out if possible. We understand that what’s stuck… is stuck.
🚗 Stay off the roads, it’s really slowing us down having to navigate traffic. Your neighbors are still stranded. Let’s try to avoid slowing the process down for them.
❄️ did we mention there’s a ton of snow? Even our equipment is getting stuck. Hard to move something that literally stops you. But we’re getting there.
Now let’s talk about today and how we’re coming to help.
Here’s what we have now already 👇
3️⃣0️⃣ More than 30 pieces of equipment out in residential areas trying to get streets simply passable.
⚠️ You will have snow left at the end of your driveway. Some will have a little some will have a lot. We’ll do what we can but there’s just so much out there.
👉There are zones that have still yet to be touched but we’re hoping to circulate into additional areas by this afternoon.
We’re coming but we have 1,500 lane miles with at least 3 feet of snow. It’s going to take time. Don’t expect everything to have at least a single pass until at least Easter. (If all goes well…)
Thank you for having such a good attitude and being patient. We know being stuck is stressful we’re doing everything we can to come get you.
Stay safe.