jack sullivan 300 @openchampionships
congrats to my teammate Jack Sullivan on a 300 game at the usbc open championships! ball of choice for him was an rst-x2 so people that are doing your homework for nationals, you can gather info before you head out to vegas! #bowlersdynamix #teamdynamix #usbcopenchampionship
Mike Hanlein 300!!
congrats to Michael Hanlein on a 300! one of my personal favorites…the old trusty #stormnation IQ Tour. Great shooting Mike! #bowlersdynamix #teamdynamix
joe Ceras 300
shoutout to Joe ceras for 300 with his rotogrip nuclear cell!! great shooting joe! #bowlersdynamix #teamdynamix #squadrg
TJ Van Gorden 300!
yeah we don’t stop at 1 today congrats to TJ Van Gorden on also shooting 300 tonight with his 900 global zen master! #bowlersdynamix #teamdynamix #900Global #zenmaster
vicki spratford 300!
congrats to Vicki Spratford on another honor score with her mission unknown AGAIN!!! #bowlersdynamix #teamdynamix
just because i’m not in the cut, it doesn’t mean i don’t have reason to smile. Darian LeMay with another 300 this week, this time throwing two balls #rotogrip Gem on the left and #stormnation trend 2 on the right! this guy is absolutely on fire! +301 at the rodman is pretty incredible, proud of you pal! #bowlersdynamix #teamdynamix #stormnation #areyouconvincedyet
Huge congratulations goes out to Bowler's Dynamix own Najee Mayers for shooting 300 with his Storm Hyroad! Changing the game one bowler at a time! Najee is part of team Dynamix....are you ready to be?! #stormnation #bowlersdynamix #teamdynamix
Thanks so much to Eric Poltrictzky for drilling the Storm All-Road to compliment his Motiv Venom Shock! It's a great start to his arsenal! Eric is part of Team Dynamix! Are you ready to be?! #stormmation #bowlersdynamix #motivated #teamdynamix
The day is FINALLY here!!! Our grand opening will be today at 12 P.M. So as a team we decided to make our first video, we hope you enjoy it! We look forward to meeting all of our future clients! For the whole month of December, we're going to be running awesome deals and specials so stop in at Bowler's Dynamix Pro Shop and see all the great savings we have!! #bowlersdynamix #motivated