ReFraction: Embodied Experiences will premiere at on Saturday, December 3 at 7:30pm and Sunday, December 4 at 3pm. We are so excited to share our new work with you! Keep an eye out for tickets, which will be available soon!
#convergencedancetheatre #dance #moderndance #honoluludance #artinhawaii #localart #collaboration #contemporarydance #danceinhawaii #art #performance #honoluluevents
We are thrilled that Terry Slaughter’s new work, The Need to Break Free, will be a part of ReFraction on December 3-4. Stay tuned for ticket info!
#convergencedancetheatre #dance #moderndance #honoluludance #artinhawaii #localart #collaboration #contemporarydance #danceinhawaii #art #performance #honoluluevents
The Honolulu Dance Collection is happening tonight and tomorrow at Hawaii State Art Museum. This family friendly show starts at 6:30pm on both nights and is free! Convergence Dance Theatre will be performing
“Somewhere We Find Ourselves” by Jennifer Shannon Butler. We hope to see you there!
“Somewhere We Find Ourselves “Somewhere We Find Ourselves” is a dream-like and shadowy sequence that takes a peak into a surreal moment in a timeless moment. Time evasive- the dancers holding a lantern to light the shadowy places that reflects the convergence of personal and external experiences in our dreams. This piece resonates with the sculpture garden and reflection pool at the HISAM. An open- ended moment of time that embodies past, present, and future and invites viewers to take their own reflective journey where past, present, and future are seamless.
#convergencedancetheatre #dance #moderndance #honoluludance #artinhawaii #localart #collaboration #contemporarydance #danceinhawaii #art #performance #honoluluevents #honoluludancecollection #hawaiistateartmuseum
New Work in Progress!
Back at it in the studio for more new work coming your way!
#convergencedancetheatre #dance #moderndance #honoluludance #artinhawaii #localart #collaboration #contemporarydance #danceinhawaii #art #choreography #partnering
Class with Angela!
We had a great time with Angela Sebastian on Saturday! Keep an eye out for more classes coming soon!
#convergencedancetheatre #dance #moderndance #honoluludance #artinhawaii #localart #collaboration #contemporarydance #danceinhawaii #art #honoluluevents #danceclass #alohadancesportcenter
Who’s coming to Dancing on the Fringe tonight? 🙌🏽 You can still get tickets for Convergence Dance Theatre or an all access pass for tonight to see the rest of the amazing performances! Tickets at
Choreography by Jenny Shannon Butler
#convergencedancetheatre #dance #moderndance #honoluludance #artinhawaii #localart #collaboration #contemporarydance #danceinhawaii #art #performance #honoluluevents #oahufringe #downtownartscenter
We have something new in the works! Stay tuned!
#convergencedancetheatre #dance #moderndance #honoluludance #artinhawaii #localart #collaboration #contemporarydance #danceinhawaii #art #performance
We’re taking a break from our workshops and gearing up for our next show, Transference, which will be live at Hawaii State Art Museum. Register at to join us on July 24 at 2pm! In the meantime, enjoy a moment of 🔥improvisation and projection from our workshop with Camille Monson
#convergencedancetheatre #dance #moderndance #honoluludance #artinhawaii #localart #collaboration #contemporarydance #danceinhawaii #art #performance #danceclass #projectiondesign #workshop
Thanks to University of Hawaii Manoa East West Center, Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts and Hawaii State Art Museum for making this show possible.
Here’s a few lovely moments from our workshop today!
🎵: The Rules for Lovers by Richard Walters
#convergencedancetheatre #dance #moderndance #honoluludance #artinhawaii #localart #collaboration #contemporarydance #danceinhawaii #art #performance #workshop #danceclass #floorworkdance #alohadancesportcenter
We’re so excited to share Transference—our upcoming collaboration with Hawaii State Art Museum and Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts! In the meantime, here’s a glimpse into our rehearsal process. The rest is coming soon!
#convergencedancetheatre #dance #moderndance #honoluludance #artinhawaii #localart #collaboration #contemporarydance #hawaiistateartmuseum #danceinhawaii #art #performance
🎵: Botanic Gardens by Jazzhar
Back when we could still leave the house, we were working on material from Pamela Shoebottom We’re excited to see where this work will go! In the meantime, stay safe everyone!
#convergencedancetheatre #dance #moderndance #honoluludance #artinhawaii #localart #collaboration #contemporarydance #danceinhawaii #danceclass #creativity #create #quarantine
Join us for class with Amy tonight at Page Academy of Dance from 6:30-7:30pm!
#convergencedancetheatre #dance #moderndance #honoluludance #artinhawaii #localart #collaboration #contemporarydance #danceinhawaii