TONIGHT! Saturday January 25th @korruptedcomedy is back at @magoos_bar in Bedford Park, IL!
~~~ LINK IN BIO ~~~
The Korruption of Comedy Continues on The Southside!
(FREE Parking. Full Food n Drink Menu. 21 and Up)
(For Booking Inquiries, email [email protected] Please NO DMs)
#Chicago #chicagoLAND #chicagocomedy #KorruptedComedy #bedfordpark #midwayairport #southsidechicago #TrevorKeveloh #KevelohAndAssociates
Tonite January 16th! @korruptedcomedy is at @bella_notte_lisle for A Complimentary Show (aka No Cover)
Doors 7 Show 8. Free Parking.
*Content Intended for Mature Audiences*
And a special performance by @cassinovamusic
With Guest Associate @robinpottratz
TONIGHT Saturday December 21st #KevelohAndAssociates
At @magoos_bar in Bedford Park, IL!
(Presented by @korruptedcomedy )
~~~ LINK IN BIO ~~~
Hosted n Produced by @trevorkeveloh
The Korruption of Comedy Continues on The Southside!
(FREE Parking. Full Food n Drink Menu. 21 and Up)
(For Booking Inquiries, email [email protected] Please NO DMs)
#Chicago #chicagoLAND #chicagocomedy #KorruptedComedy #bedfordpark #midwayairport #southsidechicago #TrevorKeveloh
TONIGHT! Thursday December 19th/8PM... Keveloh and Associates Presented By @korruptedcomedy at @bella_notte_lisle
National Touring Headliner @robert_l_hines
Sounds by @rockrdude666
Hosted n Produced by @trevorkeveloh
Exceptional dining menu, service, staff and venue area with a quaint ambience overlooking the beautiful River Bend Golf Course.
(Adult Themed Show. Free Parking. Complimentary Cover.)
#korruptedcomedy #kevelohandassociates #lisle #lisleillinois #naperville #napervilleillinois #chicagoLAND #chicagocomedy #chicagomusic #TrevorKeveloh #bellanottelisle
TONIGHT Saturday December 14th #KevelohAndAssociates with Chicago Native... Headliner @robert_l_hines
At @magoos_bar in Bedford Park, IL!
(Presented by @korruptedcomedy )
~~~ LINK IN BIO ~~~
Hosted n Produced by @trevorkeveloh
The Korruption of Comedy Continues on The Southside!
(FREE Parking. Full Food n Drink Menu. 21 and Up)
(For Booking Inquiries, email [email protected] Please NO DMs)
#Chicago #chicagoLAND #chicagocomedy #KorruptedComedy #bedfordpark #midwayairport #southsidechicago #TrevorKeveloh
TONIGHT Friday December 6th #KevelohAndAssociates at @magoos_bar in Bedford Park, IL!
~~~ LINK IN BIO ~~~
Hosted n Produced by @trevorkeveloh
( 🎨 @el_teeny )
The Korruption of Comedy Continues on The Southside!
(FREE Parking. Full Food n Drink Menu. 21 and Up)
(For Booking Inquiries, email [email protected] Please NO DMs)
#korruptedcomedy #bedfordpark #chicagoLAND #chicagocomedy #chicago #midwayairport #TrevorKeveloh
TONIGHT! Thursday December 5th... @korruptedcomedy is at @bella_notte_lisle for a Complementary Show.
Featuring @trevorkeveloh n @el_teeny with a Special Performance by @cassinovamusic
Along with Guest Associates @modiabcomedy n @johnstagecomedy
Exceptional dining menu, service, staff and venue area with a quaint ambience overlooking River Bend Golf Course.
(Adult Themed Show. Free Parking. Complimentary Cover.)
#korruptedcomedy #kevelohandassociates #lisle #lisleillinois #naperville #napervilleillinois #chicagoLAND #chicagocomedy #chicagomusic #TrevorKeveloh
TONIGHT... Friday October 25th @korruptedcomedychi Our Residency Kickoff Show at @magoos_bar Comedy Club in Bedford Park!
~~~ LINK IN BIO ~~~
With one helluva STELLAR line up!
Hosted n Produced By @trevorkeveloh
And featured in this clip: @el_teeny (guesting tonite!)
Let The Korruption Begin on The Southside!
(For Booking Inquiries, email [email protected] Please NO DMs)
#ChicagoComedy #chicago #bedfordpark #StandUp #standupcomedy #Comedy #standupcomic #southsidechicago #midway #midwayairport
TONITE @korruptedcomedyca is at @ginrummybar in Marina del Rey! Doors 7/Show 8. Discounted Presale Tickets Available in Bio Link!
And... Surprise Drop Ins?
#StandUp #losangeles #marinadelrey #venice #standupcomic #standupcomedy #KorruptedComedyCA #KorruptedComedy #abbotkinney #abbotkinneyblvd #LosAngelesComedy #Comedy #standupcomic #standupcomics #westla
TONIGHT...Friday May 31st... Korrupted Comedy Chi is back at BaseCamp Pub & Eatery for one helluva stand up show...
#Lisle #LisleIllinois #LisleIL #Naperville #NapervilleIL #NapervilleIllinois #DuPage #DuPageCounty #chicago #ChicagoLAND #ChicagoComedy #FourLakes #napervillehairstylist #napervillephotographer #napervillesalon #davidvoxmullen #KorruptedComedyChi #KorruptedComedy
TOMORROW---Friday May 31st... Korrupted Comedy Chi is at BaseCamp Pub & Eatery Hosted n Produced by David Vox Mullen
... Link in Bio ...
#chicago #ChicagoLAND #Naperville #Lisle #ChicagoComedy #StandUp #standupcomedy #Comedy #LisleIL #NapervilleIL #standupcomic #standupcomedians #comedians #comedyshow
Happy Earth Day 2024 🌎🌍
Here is a video of comic and coproducer @keithernstcomedy making a quick grab to get a first down in his flag football game last month.
Keith is not only an amazing receiver, safety and field sergeant, but producer for Korrupted Comedy and a comedian that's passed at @thecomedystore
Come catch some laughs dished out by Keith, Saturday May 11th at The Conference Room in Playa Vista!
#earth #earthday #earthday2024 #earthday2024🌍 #keithernst #KorruptedComedyCA #KorruptedComedy #SoftHands #SantaMonica #santamonicabeach #PlayaVista