Posted @withregram • @typetasting 🧀🧀🧀 Spin the wheel of cheese. Lots of great answers today at our open studio day 🧀🧀🧀
#cheese #type #font #research #survey #randomiser #taste #crossmodal
Posted @withregram • @museumofthehome That’s it - the Yard Sale is done!
We’ve had a blast and we’ve loved seeing all the beautiful and surprising things our stallholders had to offer, the amazing things our workshop visitors have made, and seeing people leaving the Museum with lovely things to welcome Spring into their homes ☺️
Thank you to all for supporting us and helping tackle female homelessness. You’ve all made a huge difference today.
The Yard Sale Online Auction and Prize Draw close tomorrow at 8pm. Get involved at the link in bio ✌️
Posted @withregram • @everydaysunshineshop Tonight from 5pm - 7pm we are hosting a Hackney Foodbank extravaganza. Please join us for mulled wine and a X-mas sing song with the fabulous @mark.t.cox Please bring tinned and long life food and non perishable Xmas treats that will be picked up from our shop tomorrow and distributed. Can’t wait to see ya’ll xx @hackneyfoodbank
Posted @withregram • @ikukoikik
Posted @withregram • @typetasting Preview copies of the brand new Elixir: Mood multisensory exhibition guides will be available tomorrow. This is a journey into mood. Each guide contains two moods. Explore the links to unlock the pieces of each mood experience.
#mood #installation #exhibition #multisensory #crossmodal #sound #touch #smell #sight #language #interactive #typographyinspiration
Posted @withregram • @susan_nemeth TODAY @chocolate_factory_n16 0pen Studio 11-6 pm The Chocolate Factory N16. Farleigh Place London N16 9PL. DM me for a separate appointment
Posted @withregram • @andjmcdonald
Posted @withregram • @susan_nemeth Porcelain lidded container H27 cm based on a tin of Turkish olives from my local grocery shop. Stoke Newington, north London has many Interesting Turkish shops and restaurants. If you want to come and visit we are having an open day and sale @chocolate_factory_n16 (27 studios) on Sunday 5th Dec.
#porcelain #paintedslips #decals #ceramictransfers #tin # lable #olivetin #openstudio ##contemporaryceramics #porcelain #ceramictransfers #handmade #ccdirectory #sculpure #ceramicsculpture #contemporaryceramics #keramik #czderamica
#handbuilding #ceramics #claysculpture #ceramicart #sculpture #céramique #contemporaryart #handbuiltpottery #porcellana #porzellan #art #sculpturalceramics #claysculpture #londonart #londonartevents
Posted @withregram • @susan_nemeth This is so funny @chocolate_factory_n16 #coiling #porcelain #makingpottery #makingceramics #artiststudios #bigpot #handbuilding #contemporaryceramics #studiopottery
Posted @withregram • @jo_davies_ceramics Throwing a cup on the wheel. Shaping, smoothing, and finishing with a twist. With a lot of my work of this scale I will try to make sure I make it thin enough at this stage so it doesn't need trimming later, which is what I'm doing with the metal tools here.
A few more cups have gone into the kiln this week so they’ll be on the website in a few days. Still a chance to win a cup for you and a friend - see my post from Sunday
#artisanatwork #handmade #oneatatime #wheelthrowing #ceramics #porcelain #pottery #jodavies #masterclass #learnpottery #potteryclass #pottersofinstagram