Step into our 1950's Jazz Club held every Wednesday and Thursday at Ruby's subterranean drinking den - nestled perfectly between the vibrant areas of Dalston and Stoke Newington. The bar serves classic and speciality cocktails, craft beers premium lagers and a fantastic selection of wines from across the globe. Jazz Pocket present a variety of British based quartets and quintets, which all consist
of the UK’s most sought after musicians, often found on stage at the best jazz clubs in the capital including the world-famous Ronnie Scotts, Soho Pizza Express, The 606 Club and The Hideaway. Your host DJ Jazzie Geoffrie sets the mood and fills all the gaps with his irresistible mix of be-bop an swing. We often have live artworks from the hugely talented Jonathan Ellis, which always provides a very special touch to the evening. Jonathan draws and paints each individual band member while they perform throughout the night. His work is available to purchase at the end of the concert - offering a great opportunity to pick up something unique and very special on your way home. *Be sure to check full event details to
confirm whether live artworks will be taking place.
Email: [email protected] to reserve your spaces for any event.