Leaving soon! ‘The Silver Wave’ (2020) by Michelle Williams Gamaker ending on Wednesday 15 January 2025.
Don’t miss the final screening of the online exhibition: Imaginary Escape
How to Watch:
- Registered viewers: Check your inbox for the reminder with a link or revisit your original registration email.
- New viewers: Register via the link in bio to receive instant access.
#OnlineExhibition #MichelleWilliamsGamaker #ImaginaryEscape
Video description: A series of close up clips focusing on gentle hands tending to fragile archival objects. It begins with a hand wearing a white glove, repositioning a small figurine of a man under an icy blue light. Next, a figurine of a woman in a furry, hooded coat is shown from various perspectives. The sequence continues with an archival photograph of a snow-peaked mountain alongside a carrier wagon, concluding with a view of a human figure on a small boat.
Leaving soon! Deborah Stratman’s 2004 feature documentary ‘Kings of the Sky’ ending on Tuesday 7 January 2025. Don’t miss!
Part of online exhibition: Imaginary Escape
How to Watch:
- Registered viewers: Check your inbox for the reminder with a link or revisit your original registration email.
- New viewers: Register via the link in bio to receive instant access.
#OnlineExhibition #DeborahStratman #ImaginaryEscape
Video description: A collage of fragments starting with a black and white sequence of a tightrope performer carefully walking on a thin rope that stretches high into the cloudy sky. It transitions into a montage of various tightrope performances. The final sequence reveals glimpses of large crowds gathered during the performances and an outdoor gathering alongside police forces, intercut with bold title cards to the rhythm of heavy drum beat
Don’t miss! ‘rial & tERROR’ (2011) by Gelare Khoshgozaran is streaming on our website until Wed 18 December 2024
Part of online exhibition: Imaginary Escape
How to Watch:
- Registered viewers: Check your inbox for the reminder with a link or revisit your original registration email.
- New viewers: Register via the link in bio to receive instant access.
#OnlineExhibition #GelareKhoshgozaran #ImaginaryEscape
Video description: The video opens with a black-and-white silhouette of people dancing at a house party, followed by a colourful scene of a group of people joyfully dancing together. Throughout the reel, a black screen with yellow captions appears intermittently, sharing the voice over. The final moments showcase iconic landmarks from Paris and London, including the Eiffel Tower and Big Ben.
Catch ‘At Home But Not at Home’ (2019) by Suneil Sanzgiri before the screening ends on Tuesday 10 December.
Part of online exhibition: Imaginary Escape
How to Watch:
- Registered viewers: Check your inbox for the reminder with a link or revisit your original registration email.
- New viewers: Register via the link in bio to receive instant access.
#OnlineExhibition #SuneilSanzgiri #ImaginaryEscape
Video description: A collage of fragments - a dusty road captured on Google Earth, archival glimpses of South Asian docents, old cinema clips and FaceTime footage, culminating in the surreal, artificial wave. Interwoven with captions like ’How is identity constructed when diaspora is at a distance?‘ and ’When can a mythology be deconstructed?‘
Our collection is constantly expanding with exciting new works produced by LUX artists every year.
Check out these snippets of three new works made in 2024, currently in distribution.
‘The Invisible Worm’ (2024) by Rosalind Nashashibi is a spontaneous exploration of artistic personas, friendships and collaboration featuring the artist’s long term collaborator Elena Narbutaitė, Pietro Nashashibi and a cat named Aloysha.
In ‘Being John Smith’ (2024), artist John Smith navigates family photographs and personal archives with humour and melancholy, reflecting on his life as an artist and the themes of mortality.
‘Máthair’ (2024) by Keira Greene weaves the personal and the historical as the artist reflects on her mother’s secretive past in a Catholic Mother and Baby Home, exploring themes of institutional oppression and family trauma.
Stay tuned for more introductions to New Work in Distribution on our channel! Or sign up for Distribution Newswire for the latest updates on the LUX collection and distribution.
Clips courtesy of the artists.
Sound from ‘The Invisible Worm’ by Rosalind Nashashibi
@rosishibi @theotherjohnsmith @keiralgreene
#RosalindNashashibi #JohnSmith #KeiraGreen
Video description: Clips from three films begin with a grey cat, followed by the text “New Work in Distribution”. In the first clip, a person in an oversised shirt sits by a window as yellow text reads “The Invisible Worm”. A second figure moves awkwardly with the text “Rosalind Nashashibi”. Next, black and white photos of a young John Smith appear, including younger version of him and one where his hands cover his face, with the text “Being John Smith”. The final clip shows two performers grabbing each other’s arms, with the text “Máthair” and “Keira Greene”. The reel ends with credits.