Digital Umbilcal is the result of one year process of 6 people, now 8 people who met last year and won Dansathon's price in London.
Generously supported by Fondation BNP Parisbas, Sadler's Wells Theatre, Maison de la Danse Lyon and Théâtre de Liège.
Digital Umbilical is a poetic-technologic experience.
By ‘listening’ and sharing with performers and an audience our bio data we are confronted to our human dimension. Reconnecting through the recognizable sound of our heartbeat and breath…..we realize our ephemeral and unique presence in that present moment and more in general in the universe.
We are creating a responsive interactive system where bio-data from both audience members and performers are fedback in real time and impact the soundscape and lighting environment. Audience can at times hear their own heartbeat as well as the performer’s live breath.
The performer’s behavior, his movement pattern and the atmosphere of the shared space (soundscape, lighting) adapt in real time to facilitate a climate of trust propice for an intimate encounter (soft, poetic, narrowing perception to one element)
This gives audiences a unique experience of dance and a rare insight into their own uncontrollable physiological reactions.
It has been a fabulous adventure, a rich and complex process....it's just the beginning!
Today we are delighted to share with you our trailer and we would like to say thank you for their support on the way along to :
Florent Trioux, Emma Wilson, Eva Martinez // Sadler's Wells.
Danbee KIm, Goncalo Lopez // Sainsbury Center
JiaXua Hon, Ghislaine Boddington, Ling Tan // Dansathon
Christian Duka // Aures
Karl Cresser // University of Arts/ LCC
Marjorie Carré Fondation BNP Paribas
And Alistair Spalding Artistic director of Sadler's Wells for his support, enthousiasm and kindness.
Video capture and trailers Laurent Liotardo
Concept and realisation by Body Intelligence Collective Designer - Salomé Bazin Producer - Lara Buffard Creative Technologist - Simon Haenggi Programmer…