Art Talks Egypt

Art Talks Egypt ArtTalks is a Cairo-based multi-disciplinary art gallery.

Founded in 2010, ArtTalks is a Cairo-based multi-disciplinary art space, specializing in high-quality modern works by twentieth-century Egyptian masters and many of the most influential artists working today. Founder Fatenn Mostafa is the author of Modern Art in Egypt: Identity and Independence 1850-1936, published by Bloomsbury in 2020, and a contributor to the Mahmoud Saïd Catalogue Raisonné, published by Skira in 2016.

Egypt mourns the great loss of one of its most recognizable artists, Helmi Eltouni (1934-2024). Eltouni belongs to this ...

Egypt mourns the great loss of one of its most recognizable artists, Helmi Eltouni (1934-2024).
Eltouni belongs to this last generation of intellectuals who believe in the potential power of an Arab world. His love for Egypt and Egyptians is evident in his themes, as he celebrated ibn al-balad and bint-al-balad, their pride, dignity, rights for education, and freedom. Outspoken for women's rights, Eltouni showed Egyptian women's many facets (the coquette, the hardworking, the mother, the lover, etc..) in bright colours and joyful scenes.

Here, I am sharing some of the works Eltouni produced for and about Palestine throughout his career. Recently, he had been posting every other day about the cause and his dismay at the surrounding silence. He wrote on his personal page:
اسرائيل تسعى الى تعطيش شعب فلسطين.. و العالم يتفرج..
سوف تعود حاملة الماء و تعود أزهار فلسطين لتتفتح....
لوحة بالأبيض و الأسود تحية لصمود أهل فلسطين .

مصر تنعى الخسارة الكبيرة لأحد أبرز فنانيها، حلمي التوني (1934-2024).

ينتمي التوني إلى آخر جيل من المثقفين الذين يؤمنون بالقوة المحتملة للعالم العربي. حبه لمصر والمصريين يتجلى في موضوعاته، حيث احتفى بابن البلد وبنت البلد، بفخرهم وكرامتهم وحقوقهم في التعليم والحرية. كان صريحًا في دفاعه عن حقوق المرأة، حيث أظهر التوني جوانب المرأة المصرية المتعددة (الدلوعة، المجدة، الأم، العاشقة، إلخ..) بألوان زاهية ومشاهد مفعمة بالبهجة.

هنا أشارك بعض الأعمال التي أنتجها التوني من أجل فلسطين وعنها طوال مسيرته المهنية. في الآونة الأخيرة، كان ينشر كل يومين تقريبًا عن القضية وامتعاضه من الصمت المحيط بها. وكتب على صفحته الشخصية:

"اسرائيل تسعى الى تعطيش شعب فلسطين.. و العالم يتفرج..
سوف تعود حاملة الماء و تعود أزهار فلسطين لتتفتح....
لوحة بالأبيض و الأسود تحية لصمود أهل فلسطين ."

مع السلامة د. حلمي.

May you rest in eternal peace, Dr. Helmi.

As the new art season kicks off, I recommend you visit the exhibition "In the Company of Mahmoud Saïd'" at the gorgeous ...

As the new art season kicks off, I recommend you visit the exhibition "In the Company of Mahmoud Saïd'" at the gorgeous Aisha Fahmy Palace in Zamalek.

Organised by the Ministry of Culture and beautifully curated by Ali Said, head of cultural palaces, the exhibition will take you through a wonderful journey into the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s or 'la belle époque' in Egypt.

It is a testament of cosmopolitan Egypt when all nationalities, ethnicities, and religions lived and worked together - with artists like Giuseppe Sebasti, Laurent Marcel Salinas, Paul Richard, Cléa Badaro, Arturo Zanieri, Roger Bréval, Amelia Casanato, Papageorge, and many others surrounding Mahmoud Saïd. I discuss many of these artists in my book, Modern Art in Egypt: Identity and Independence 1850-1936 (Bloomsbury).

The show runs until October 14, 2024.

The last slide is a video produced by the Fine Arts Sector, and the images are from different sources.

مع السلامة يا ياسر 💔لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلى العظيم الله يرحمك و يغفرلك و يسكنك فسيح جناتهانا لله وانا اليه راجعون...

مع السلامة يا ياسر 💔
لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلى العظيم
الله يرحمك و يغفرلك و يسكنك فسيح جناته
انا لله وانا اليه راجعون
رحمة ونور وسلامة لروحك 🤍
It is with a very heavy heart that we announce the passing of Yasser Rostom, the Egyptian Dali, the most extravagant Arab artist, one of the most talented and cultured Egyptian artists, and above all, a kind, generous, funny soul.
It was an honour to have known you and worked with you all these years. You will be immensely missed.
Yasser Rostom (1971-2024)

Mohamed Ghaleb Khater stands in a league of his own.His foresight predicted the multiple challenges we are currently fac...

Mohamed Ghaleb Khater stands in a league of his own.
His foresight predicted the multiple challenges we are currently facing: conflicts, manipulation through religion, football, and sh**ha, and poor education.
Sidelined by formal institutions and investigated and questioned numerous times, he persisted in portraying the people and the rulers in provocative power dynamics through the lens of the donkey.
Our past exhibition titled Empty Promises was a tribute to one of Egypt's greatest groundbreaking, albeit forgotten, modernists.

Wishing you a blessed Eid! During these holy days, let us pray for peace, justice, liberation, and dignity. Painting by ...

Wishing you a blessed Eid!
During these holy days, let us pray for peace, justice, liberation, and dignity.
Painting by Mohamed Elbehairy (1993)
Magic Amulet, 2024 (الطلسم)
Oil on canvas
80 x 120 cm
Private collection

Amplify your prayers! 🍉
Mohamed Elbehairy

The leading London-based nonprofit arts organisation  has initiated a global call to arts and cultural colleagues to sta...

The leading London-based nonprofit arts organisation has initiated a global call to arts and cultural colleagues to stand in solidarity with Palestine this Friday, 31 May 2024.
As cultural spaces, we stand in unwavering solidarity with the people of Palestine and call for an immediate and lasting ceasefire, an end to illegal occupation and apartheid, and the right for self-determination.
We are closed on Friday.
Image of Painting by Egyptian artist Jamal Bassiouni that was exhibited in "I Wish I Were A Candle," our fundraising exhibition in support of Palestinian artists and students who were displaced from Gaza and have moved to Cairo.

Come and view the works that we have carefully selected for our first international auction in collaboration with ArtSco...

Come and view the works that we have carefully selected for our first international auction in collaboration with ArtScoops, a leading online auction platform specialising in modern & contemporary art from MENA and based in Beirut.
The works represent various generations and hence the pun on Um Kulthum's song, Kassidat Misr.
From Egypt's most important modernists to the young and emerging, we also continue to dedicate space for reviving the legacy of the forgotten pioneers.
Viewing starts today at ArtTalks at 6 PM.
Online bidding is simple. Check link in Bio.
Let's tell our stories ©️
Painting by
Abdel Ghafar Shedid
Oil on wood, 1961

We are proud to partner with ArtScoops, a leading auction house specializing in modern and contemporary art from the MEN...

We are proud to partner with ArtScoops, a leading auction house specializing in modern and contemporary art from the MENA region, for our first online auction.

The auction brings together works reflecting Egypt's diverse creatives and practices, ranging from 20th-century pioneers to young emerging artists.

This first collaboration asserts Egypt's and Lebanon's roles as significant hubs to serve the wider region.
[25/05, 14:13] Fatenn: قصيدة مصر | Poem of Egypt

26 - 28 May

Viewing at ArtTalks Egypt, Cairo.
8, El Kamel Mohamed Street,
Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt

Sunday May 26 From 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Monday May 27 From 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Tuesday May 28 From 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Auction Opening Reception will take place
on Sunday, May 26, at 6:00 pm

Link in bio!

It was a pleasure to participate in a talk about the late Hazem El Mestikawy and his unique art practice. Held at the ce...

It was a pleasure to participate in a talk about the late Hazem El Mestikawy and his unique art practice.
Held at the century-old Société des amis de l'art headquarter in Garden City, the talk began with a presentation, then a discussion with the artist and arts educator, Dr. Shady El-Noshokati. The session was moderated by Mr. Mohamed El-Nawar with interventions by Noha Nagui, artist and wife of late El Mestikawy.
In the 4th slide is the cover of the catalogue produced for our exhibition Juxtaposition, held at ArtTalks in 2015. The exhibition was Hazem's first public display in his native country after a decade of absence. He was living in Vienna back then, and shortly after, he moved back to Alexandria.

I Wish I Were A CandleSeveral artists from Gaza are now in Egypt. We met a few. Heard their stories. And shared their pa...

I Wish I Were A Candle

Several artists from Gaza are now in Egypt.

We met a few. Heard their stories. And shared their pains.

In support of these artists and the Palestinian students who had to leave their land and are now in Egypt, we want to be a candle in this abyss of darkness.

I Wish I Were A Candle

Features the works by Palestinian artists and by Egyptian artists who use their art to respond to the unprecedented violence witnessed in Gaza, which the ICJ ruled ‘plausible genocide.’

Proceeds from the artworks will go to the Palestinian artists and students in need of financial support in Egypt.

In May 2021, we responded to the atrocious attacks on Gaza. Over 60 artists joined “Knock on The Walls" (Doko al Jidran) exhibition.

We hope this is our last exhibition in response to vicious attacks.
We call for an end to the genocide, the occupation, and the apartheid.

Opening Tuesday, May 7, 2024, from:6-9 PM. Exhibition until May 21, 2024.

ليتني شمعة

يتواجد الآن العديد من الفنانين من غزة في مصر.
التقينا قليلة. سمعنا قصصهم.
وشاركنهم آلام.

ودعمًا لهؤلاء الفنانين والطلاب الفلسطينيين الذين اضطروا إلى مغادرة أرضهم وهم الآن في مصر، نريد أن نكون شمعة في هاوية الظلام هذه.

ليتني شمعة

يعرض أعمال فنانين فلسطينيين وفنانين مصريين يستخدمون فنهم للرد على أعمال العنف غير المسبوقة التي شهدتها غزة، والتي قضت محكمة العدل الدولية بأنها "إبادة جماعية معقولة".

ستذهب عائدات الأعمال الفنية إلى الفنانين والطلاب الفلسطينيين الذين يحتاجون إلى الدعم المالي في مصر.

وفي مايو ٢٠٢١، قمنا بالرد على الهجمات الوحشية على غزة. أكثر من ٦٠ فناناً شاركوا في معرض "دقوا جدران الخزان".

نأمل أن يكون هذا معرضنا الأخير ردًا على الهجمات الشرسة. إننا ندعو إلى إنهاء الإبادة الجماعية والاحتلال والفصل العنصري.

الإفتتاح الثلاثاء ٧ مايو ٢٠٢٤ من: ٦-٩ مساءً. المعرض حتى ٢١ مايو ٢٠٢٤.

A big round of applause to  for cooperating with the Ministry of Culture this year. In a first, five masterpieces from f...

A big round of applause to
for cooperating with the Ministry of Culture this year.
In a first, five masterpieces from four different museums in are on loan and displayed during Art Cairo at the .
The highly valuable "La vie et la mort" (Life & Death) by Paul Gauguin painted in 1889 © Mahmoud Khalil Museum, Cairo.
It is one of the 100s of artworks that Mohammed Mahmoud Khalil Pasha collected, together with his French wife, Lucienne, with a focus on 19th century France.
Ragheb Ayad, Danse à Assouan, 1937
© Museum of Modern Art in Egypt, Cairo. Absolutely breathtaking and marked a change in modern egy art.
Mahmoud Mokhtar, Au Bord du Nil, 1926. Bronze.
© Mahmoud Mokhtar Museum, Cairo. Stunning!
Mohamed Naghi, Goat Carrier, © Mohamed Naghi Museum, Cairo. Captivating!
There is a Renoir, too, from the Guezirah Museum.
Come and take a look! Tomorrow is the last day.
When private meets public. Last slide with my sister .

We are pleased to announce our participation during Art Cairo at the Grand Egyptian Museum from 3 - 6 February 2024. As ...

We are pleased to announce our participation during Art Cairo at the Grand Egyptian Museum from 3 - 6 February 2024.
As part of the Modern Section, we are very proud to present one of Egypt's unsung pioneer artists, the late Mohamed Ghaleb Khater, in a group show titled La Belle Époque.
Bold, vocal, and political, Ghaleb Khater produced a far-sighted practice and popularized the ideology of social justice. Detached from the cultural scene and temporarily arrested, he created singular aesthetics using metaphors and symbols to deliver the message.
Mohamed Ghaleb Khater (1922-2009)
The Mathematics of Education (حسابت التعليم), 1973
Oil on canvas
126 x 236 cm
Signed and dated
Come to the Modern Section to see a selection of works by Ghaleb Khater, Samir Rafi, Kawkab Al-Assal, Sobhy Guirguis, and Salah Taher.

We are pleased to announce our participation during Art Cairo at the Grand Egyptian Museum from 3 - 6 February 2024. As ...

We are pleased to announce our participation during Art Cairo at the Grand Egyptian Museum from 3 - 6 February 2024.
As part of the Contemporary Section, we are very proud to present Mohammed Elbehairy (1983) in a group show titled The Spell / السحر.

Based in Alexandria, Elbehairy is one of Egypt's Top Young Artists to Watch. He displays an extraordinary imagination and a deep affinity with his countrymen. His figurative oil paintings read like a Kan Yama Kan (Once Upon a Time) folk tale and transport the viewer into a surreal world where magic, spell, zar, animals, people, dreams and hope blend.
Mohamed Elbehairy
El Zar, 2023
Oil on canvas
80 x 120 cm

We are pleased to announce our participation during Art Cairo at the Grand Egyptian Museum from 3 - 6 February 2024. As ...

We are pleased to announce our participation during Art Cairo at the Grand Egyptian Museum from 3 - 6 February 2024.
As part of the Contemporary Section, we are very proud to present Mohammed Monaiseer (1989) in a group show titled The Spell / السحر.
Monaiseer's practice consists of extensive handiwork that turns into rituals, with repetitions turning into meditations.
The obsessive-like repetition of letters, words, and figures creates a puzzling mystical and transcendental language where metaphysics and oral histories are the alphabet. Of fabric, canvas, and paper, each work explores the intricacies of human consciousness.
Mohamed Monaiseer (1989)
Ink on found cloth
244 x 200cm
Join us and meet the artists behind the amazing works.

We are pleased to announce our participation during Art Cairo at the Grand Egyptian Museum from 3 - 6 February 2024. As ...

We are pleased to announce our participation during Art Cairo at the Grand Egyptian Museum from 3 - 6 February 2024.
As part of the Contemporary Section, we are very proud to present Marwan Sabra (1991) as one of ArtTalks' rising stars.
The show titled The Spell (للسحر) presents seven artists who explore in their specific language, The Spell, its experiences, and its refraction in Egypt's ancient past and modern folk rituals.
The show crafts captivating works under the genre with remarkable presence, epic quality, conjuring timeless dramas of man, and the power of spellcasting.
Come and discover some of Egypt's outstanding young artists.

The international art world cancels, censors, and bans Palestinian artists and artworks. This is a reminder that a degen...

The international art world cancels, censors, and bans Palestinian artists and artworks. This is a reminder that a degenerate art movement is being revived.
It started with Christie's abruptly withdrawing two paintings by Ayman Baalbaki from their November auction after "multiple complaints."
Now, Indiana University has cancelled the first retrospective on Palestinian artist Samia Halaby in the US, which was planned to open on Feb. 10.

“I write to formally notify you that the Eskenazi Museum of Art will not host its planned exhibition of your work,” Brenneman wrote to Halaby in the Dec. 20 letter (source: NYT).
Another mind-boggling move in the international art world: Berlin (Germany) has added 'any form of antisemitism' clause as a prerequisite to applications for government arts funding.
Equally shocking. I was trying to download Baalbaki paintings and found most images were blurred by Google
The double standards and hypochrisy have been exposed.
MIddle Eastern artists and art will thrive with or without their "seal of approval." Hence, the urgency of unity, dialogue, and support from within our area and through pro-freedom voices worldwide.
First slide: Al Moulatham by Baalbaki, withdrawn.
Second slide: article in NYT about Halaby
Third slide: Google hiding Baalbaki paintings w Kuffiyeh.

No caption is needed, right? These 8 slides sum up the current situation in Gaza. One that is supported by the US and th...

No caption is needed, right?

These 8 slides sum up the current situation in Gaza. One that is supported by the US and the UK. Collective punishment is ongoing. Bombing incl. target killing is ongoing. Weapons are replenished. Most humanitarian aid blocked. The other governments and international organisations are watching either helplessly or deliberately. The world is hostage to injustice.

"Nito and George" is a story of love, marriage, art, and companionship that lasted 65 years. In these very difficult tim...

"Nito and George" is a story of love, marriage, art, and companionship that lasted 65 years.

In these very difficult times, a ray of love can remind us of our humanity.

Please join us tonight for

"George & Nito: حبيبي دائمآ"

a tribute to Nitokriss, who passed away in July, and a candle for Bahgory's 91st birthday in the first duo exhibition in 45 years to showcase the iconic couple’s respective works.

Opening reception on Tuesday, December 12th, 2023, from 6 to 9 pm.

At 8 El-Kamel Mohamed Street,
Zamalek, 4th floor. Cairo.


On this day of global strike in solidarity with Gaza, pls support this amazing initiative that aims to collect sanitary ...

On this day of global strike in solidarity with Gaza, pls support this amazing initiative that aims to collect sanitary pads for girls and women in Gaza.

The objective is to fill a whole truck to go to Gaza and help alleviate a tiny bit of women's lack of access to basic necessities. Follow to know drop-off locations that will be announced for Sheikh Zayed, Zamalek, & Tagamoo. 🇵🇸🍉

Posted with •

Hello everyone, my name is Jenine Kanafani. I am a 15-year-old Palestinian/Egyptian advocating for Palestinian girls & women by providing them with personal hygiene products and feminine pads. There are 2 million people living in the Gaza Strip. 49% of them are women. Gazan girls and women are facing psychological stress because they do not have access to feminine hygiene nor sanitary pads. Imagine… How they must feel. How they must cope.
We must act. Help me, help them. Join me in collecting pads.


8 El Kamel Mohamed Street. Zamalek. Fourth Floor

Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 8pm
Tuesday 11am - 8pm
Wednesday 11am - 8pm
Thursday 11am - 8pm
Saturday 11am - 8pm
Sunday 11am - 8pm




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Our Story

Founded in 2010, ArtTalks is a Cairo-based modern and contemporary art gallery, acting as a selective search engine for Egypt's next generation of influential contemporary artists. Additionally, the gallery aims to be a forum for knowledge. We provide educational seminars as well as research and publish on modern Egyptian art history. Within that context, the gallery is specialized in offering high quality secondary market works by twentieth century Egyptian masters as well as many of the most important artists working today. Founder Fatenn Mostafa was an advisor to Bozar, Center for Fine Arts in Brussels, Belgium and is a lecturer and researcher on the History of Modern Egyptian Art. An avid collector and a patron of the arts, Mostafa has created ArtTalks | Hassala, an art fund, to support struggling promising young Egyptian artists as well to document the history of Egyptian Modern and Contemporary Art.

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