Studio BÄNG

Studio BÄNG Studio BÄNG is a young german design team. We enjoy architecture and want to share this pleasure with


Here are some graphics of our proposal for a multipurpose room at the vocational school in Rüti, Switzerland we designed in collaboration with Sascha Cueni.

design competition entry in collaboration with Sascha Cueni


design competition entry in collaboration with Sascha Cueni

Bauhaus Museum Dessau, Studio BÄNG - BETA

Studio BÄNG on

Weder Epigone noch Utopie ist dieser Entwurf für das neue Bauhaus Museum Dessau. Nicht die formalen, sondern inhaltlichen Werte des Bauhauses sind gestaltgebend. Angemessenheit, Funktionalität und Selbstbewusstsein bestimmen die Haltung dieses Baus, der sich respektvoll und dialektisch in die beste…


Among 830 other practices we made a proposal for the new Bauhaus Museum Dessau. Have a look at our competition entry!

design competition entry


design competition entry


Have a look at our competition entry for a market hall and cow wrestling arena in Goler, Switzerland.

design competition entry


design competition entry


We would like to share with you our competition entry for the Zollhaus Zürich, a multifunctional complex near Zürich central station.
Congratulations to Enzmann Fischer Architekten who have been awarded with the 1st Prize.

design competition entry


design competition entry

Gründungsviertel in Lübeck - Ein Wettbewerb als Kostümfilm

Check out the winning entries and further proposals including the one from Studio BÄNG for the Gründerviertel - competition in Lübeck, Germany on

BauNetz-Architektur-Meldung vom 23.02.2015 : Gründungsviertel in Lübeck / Ein Wettbewerb als Kostümfilm - Aktuelle Architekturmeldungen aus dem In- und Ausland, täglich recherchiert von der BauNetz-Redaktion


At the end of the year we would like to share our proposal for the international idea competition 2014 of IBA Basel 2020 with you. For further information check out our website.


Studio BÄNG wishes all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2015 !


APPARAT, our critical review on the western European consumption behavior is published in ARCH+ 213


Among 13 other teams Studio BÄNG was selected from 299 entrants for the second phase within the international competition to design the new Open Air Museum of Glentleiten.

Have a look at the project on our website:


Do not miss the public opening of the IBA Basel showcase on 19th October 2013. All IBA projects including our awarded design NACH HAUSE KOMMEN will be exhibited.


Our winning design proposal NACH HAUSE KOMMEN is from now on officially recorded with candidate status within the selection of projects for the IBA BASEL 2020.

Studio BÄNG | Apparat

Our critical review of the western European consumption behavior has been awarded with a Honorable Mention at the Schinkel competition 2013

+ Sebastian Schröter & esGESTALTUNG

Studio BÄNG | Nach Hause kommen

We have been awarded with the 1st Prize in the international ideas competition for the IBA Basel 2020

1st Prize in the international ideas competition for the IBA Basel 2020


Studio BÄNG wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Klaksvik city center by Studio BÄNG + Sebastian Schröter

for more information check our updated website !

Studio BÄNG is a young german design team. We enjoy architecture and want to share this pleasure with others. The exchange of ideas and interdisciplinary work is the focus of our studio.


proposal for the new city center of Klaksvik, Faroe Islands


Studio BÄNG's cover photo

New Bauhaus Museum, Studio BÄNG | Arquitectura Beta

Studio BÄNG on

The museum communicates subtle with its surrounding buildings through visible storey-heights. The space matrix is organized around an inner void, which provides the foyer with natural light. Placed as the centre of the new square, the Bauhaus Museum opens wide to the forecourt in the east and the pa...

New Church in Norway Proposal / Studio BÄNG

Studio BÄNG on

Studio BANG shared with us their design proposal for the competition for Ny Våler Kirke, a new church in Norway. Through creating a perceivable tribute to

Studio BÄNG | Ny Våler Kirke

our design proposal for the Ny Våler Kirke, Norway

On 29th May 2009, the historical church in Våler, Norway, was completely destroyed by a fire. The sun rose at 52.20° that day. This fact set the main concept for the Ny Våler Kirke, to create a perceivable tribute to the old wooden church. A single storey high building part including all supplyin...

Studio BÄNG | Projects

have a look at our awarded proposal for the HAWA Award 2012

Studio BÄNG is a young german design team. We enjoy architecture and want to share this pleasure with others. The exchange of ideas and interdisciplinary work is the focus of our studio.




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