"We shape our tools and, thereafter, our tools shape us." - John Culkin
ALGORITHMIC BODIES - 31.03. - 03.04. @lichthof
Direction, Choreography, Dance: @marcelodono
Creative Coding: @momo2knyphausen
Dance, Co-Coreography: @larissapotapov
Sound Design: @kaye.oz
Costume, Set Design: @hannaschlawinski & @elisa_bross
Dramaturgy: @isabelle_irl
Mentoring: @patriciacarolinmai
Creative Producer: @engel.uta
Press & Media: @engel.uta & Lisa Kruse
Lighting Design: Sönke Christian Herm
Photography: @tanahallphotography
Video Documentation: @tanahallphotography & @dianasanchez
Graphic: @irmacrusat
Algorithmic Bodies
"Most of us spend hours every day watching other people’s lives or sharing our own while waiting to be seen. We turn to technology to make us feel connected in ways we can comfortably control. But can we really reach comfort and control through digital technology or are we just slowly losing it?" (Anonymous, Questionnaire Algorithmic Bodies, June 2021)
Dance: @marcelodono @larissapotapov
Foto/Video: @engel.uta
What a ride 👁
Premiere 18. & 19. September 2020 @lichthoftheater
Concept, Artistic Direction & Performance: Marcelo Doño / Videography: Larissa Potapov / Music: MICHAELBRAILEY / Coach: Fernanda Ortíz / Mentor: David Bloom / Costume Design: Zoé Leduey / Lighing Design: Sönke Christian Herm
Supported by: Behörde für Kultur & Medien Hamburg, Hamburgische Kulturstiftung, Between Bridges Foundation & Rudolf Augstein Stiftung.
#cultureintimesofcorona #grindme #queer #performance #dance #hamburg #freelancer #iphone #zeitgenössisch #art #gayhamburg #hypersexualisation #betweenbridgesfoundation #digital #lgbtq #behördefürkulturundmedienhamburg #hamburgischekulturstiftung #pride #rainbow #gay #selfie #nudes #digitalization #multimedia #flyer #lichthoftheater #germany #rudolfaugsteinstiftung #apple #iphone