
ShapetheFuture SHAPE THE FUTURE is an artistic platform founded by choreographer Yolanda Gutiérrez Let's take a critical look at history!

SHAPE THE FUTURE is a newly founded artistic platform led by Yolanda Gutiérrez and an international team from Mexico, Argentina, Germany and Austria. Both projects URBAN BODIES PROJECT and DECOLONYCITIES are decolonizing city tours designed as silent-walks, in which dancers perform dance interventions at places of remembrance with a colonial past. Here you will find information and photos about th

e current status of the projects, as well as references to the next events. Join us on this decolonizing journey!

SHAPE THE FUTURE ist eine neu gegründete künstlerische Plattform, die von Yolanda Gutiérrez und einem internationalen Team aus Mexiko, Argentinien, Deutschland und Österreich geführt wird. Beide Projekte: URBAN BODIES PROJECT und DECOLONYCITIES sind dekolonisierende Stadtrundgänge als silent-walk konzipiert, bei denen Tänzer*innen an Erinnerungsorten mit einer kolonialen Vergangenheit Tanz Interventionen durchführen. Hier findet ihr Infos und Fotos über den aktuellen Stand der Projekte, sowie Hinweise auf die nächsten Veranstaltungen. Werfen wir gemeinsam einen kritischen Blick auf die Geschichte! Begleitet uns auf dieser dekolonisierenden Reise!

Our seventh project now in Munich, it had Premiere on July 2023. Next one will take place in the city of Kigali, Rwanda.

Our seventh project now in Munich, it had Premiere on July 2023. Next one will take place in the city of Kigali, Rwanda.

July 2023A decolonizing audiowalk with dance, memory and sound brings up a multivocal perspective to the process of decolonizing at the open spaces, new nara...

Todays video!Last project this yearURBAN BODIES PROJECT-GUADALAJARA

Todays video!
Last project this year

Invited at:Festival Internacional de Danza - Jalisco 2022[Concept/Choreography] Yolanda Gutiérrez[Dramaturgy] Antonio Salinas[Management] Bezirk-Guadalajara[...

Just came out! World Premiere!! Enjoy!!

Just came out! World Premiere!! Enjoy!!

A decolonizing Audiowalk with dance interventions showed between MARKK Museum and the main University building in June 2021.With artists and dancers from Kig...

URBAN BODIES PROJECT - HAMBURGGoethe Institute Hamburg-LissabonAm 8. und 9 Oktober.Treffpunkt: Bismarck-Denkmal (Alter-E...

Goethe Institute Hamburg-Lissabon

Am 8. und 9 Oktober.
Treffpunkt: Bismarck-Denkmal (Alter-Elbpark) in Richtung
Millerntordamm Ecke Holstenwall - 5 Min. von der U-Bahn St.Pauli
Uhrzeit Beginn: 17:30 Uhr /am Sonnabend auch um 14:30 Uhr
Ankunft und Registrierung: 15 Minuten vor Veranstaltungsbeginn

3G Regel
Eintritt frei!
bei mind. 24 Std.vorherige Voranmeldung. Hier unten sind die Links für die einzelnen Tage:

Freitag, 8.10., 17:30

Samstag, 9.10., 14:30

Samstag, 9.10., 17:30

Das Goethe-Institut Hamburg im Rahmen des Projektes "ReMapping Memories Lisboa-Hamburg: (postkoloniale) Erinnerungsorte" lädt mit Yolanda Gutiérrez zu einer künstlerischen Intervention ausgewählter Orte des o.g. Projekts zur Erforschung und Bearbeitung kolonialer Spuren in der Stadtgeographie der Städte Hamburg und Lissabon. In Hamburg kommt das Ensemble von 2017 zusammen, um tänzerische Interventionen kombiniert mit einem silent-walk zu präsentieren.

"Remapping" hinterfragt auf vergleichender Basis, welche Rolle die kolonialen Spuren in der heute gelebten Stadt Hamburg hinterlassen haben und wie diese in unserem Alltag hier fortwirken. Diese Orte werden zunächst auf Basis von Texten und Interviews von Wissenschaftler*innen und Aktivist*innen bearbeitet. Zeitgleich mit der Veröffentlichung der Texte auf einer gesonderten Webseite sollen ausgewählte Orte mit einem künstlerisch intervenierenden Stadtrundgang bespielt werden um eine aktive Auseinandersetzung der Besucher*innen mit diesen Orten zu ermöglichen.

Künstlerische Leitung/Konzept/Choreographie: Yolanda Gutiérrez
Assistenz: Lucia Lilen Heffner
Choreographie/Tanz/Performance: Kossi Sébastien Aholou-wokawui, Faizel Browny, Eva Lomby und Chi Him Chik.
Erzählerstimme: Judith Mauch
Mit Texten von: Jokinen, Jan Kawlath und Yingrui Bi, sowie von Anke Schwarzer im Interview mit Elaine Thomas.
Audio artist: Igor Sherba

URBAN BODIES PROJECT wurde ermöglicht durch die Förderung vom Goethe Institut Hamburg und die Wiederaufnahme-und Gastspielförderung des Dachverbands freie darstellende Künste Hamburg, im Auftrag der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Kultur und Medien.


We shape this society together!
Today are the last performances of BISMARCK-DEKOLONIAL.
An artistic intervention around the statue of Bismarck at the Old Elbpark in St. Pauli.
This statue is a representation and a symbol and magnet for the right wing. We are facing today and since my arrival in Hamburg racism against people of color, including myself. We think Hamburg is an open city and that we don’t have this racism problems, these is just happening in the East part of Germany, no! We do have these problems.
At the day of the premiere while the Namibian artists were preparing for their performance a man came, stood in front of them and did the Hi**er salutation, yes as you hear, direct in front of them and behind them you can see very clearly the front side of the Bismarck-Statue. The place where they are standing is hidden place, up at the graffiti wall, which surrounds the remodelation works of the statue. Lots of feeling came up in my body as I heard this happening to the dancer, the day after. He didn’t even wanted to tell me he said, to don’t ruined the premiere atmosphere and the good mood in where we were in.
That’s why this kind of projects are so important and relevant in our society today, yes art projects who make you reflect about what does it means to be black in a white society, to come from a colonized country?
Cause if you see in this work a Cameroonian artist wearing traditional clothes and a Namibian artist wearing a Herrero dress, this is not folklore, this is part of their culture.
Through my work as choreografer travelling for the past 9 years through west and east African countries. I realized after I came back from my first trip to Senegal the many amount of people, who doesn’t know anything and just a few, who know a bit about the African continent, because this continent is huge. You have heard it: Africa is not a country!
So seeing these artists using traditional elements of their country is not folklore! It’s the reafirmation of their own, the fusion of tradition and modernity, which are going hand in hand in many African countries.
But for the western eyes and for many stages in Europe they don’t invite African artist, who are wearing traditional clothes and using traditional instruments for a contemporary piece, this is not modern, you might heard.

For BISMARCK-DEKOLONIAL I offered a group of artists and performers to develop their own artistic work, some of them use words, some just the body, some both.
For the audience I give this advice: stay with your mind open, change your perspective, don’t judge or try to understand. We will reach you trough emotions, that is what art is about, and if we reach one only, that’s worth enough!

And beside this statement which was important for me to say today I have to say that those who are giving the money to remodelate the monument, the federal government and the city of Hamburg, those are also our sponsors and that’s good so. We cannot build a counter-monument with 34 meters as the Bismarck Statue but we can with our work to leave a trace of our presence, our bodies and our believes. Because these places are not the same anymore after we performed, we were there! And we leave behind a trace of our presence, which will last forever.

The Videomapping was a big effort of the Mexican multimedia artist …. And his assistant.

We made it! Together! That's the only way to continue....

Go and see this first activistic intervention at the largest Bismarck-Statue...

Go and see this first activistic intervention at the largest Bismarck-Statue...


The last of three short films made for the project DECOLONYCITIES between Kigali and Hamburg, which will take place in Hamburg between the MARKK Museum and t...

the 2. one is out! Enjoy!

the 2. one is out! Enjoy!

These are a series of three short films for the decolonizing silent-walk-performance DECOLONYCITIES KIGALI-HAMBURGDecolonyBodiesConcept/Idea: Yolanda Gutiérr...


Working in something together in Kigali, Ruanda for
Decolonycities Kigali-Hamburg
Coming soon at MARKK Museum...
Art work by Chris Schwagga

Body-Interventions at The Kandt House Museum in Kigali, Rwanda. For the film for the project of DECOLONYCITIES KIG-HH co...

Body-Interventions at The Kandt House Museum in Kigali, Rwanda.

For the film for the project of DECOLONYCITIES KIG-HH coming in june at MARKK Museum in Hamburg.
At the fotos the dancers: Babou Thight King and Celine Manzi.

Richard Kandt, a German, was according to historical written sources the founder of Kigali, how is this possible? 2000 people were living already living at this place. Colonizers took their right to name and appropiate everything in foreign countries, calling themselves "explorer" and calling this "expedition" to Africa an "adventure"
It's time to look behind what is written and to reflect about this and other places around the world.

First meeting in Kigali with the dancers  Tight ,  Manzi, the filmmaker  Girishya and the Choreographer Yolanda Gutiérre...

First meeting in Kigali with the dancers Tight , Manzi, the filmmaker Girishya and the Choreographer Yolanda Gutiérrez - shaping ideas together. For DECOLONYCITIES KIG-HH happening in june in Hamburg. Funded by and NPN-STEPPING OUT. A production together with MARKK Museum Hamburg

End of the year!No streaming! Live ! URBAN BODIES PROJECT-MEXICO CITY

End of the year!
No streaming! Live !

Wir freuen uns unsere Mentoring Carmen Mehnert - PlanB von SHAPE THE FUTURE  zu präsentieren. Es sind ruhige, schöne Mom...

Wir freuen uns unsere Mentoring Carmen Mehnert - PlanB von SHAPE THE FUTURE zu präsentieren. Es sind ruhige, schöne Momente des Austauschs, die wir mit ihr erleben. Danke Dir liebe Carmen für deine Sachlichkeit und Offenheit!

"Mir ist bewusst die schwierige Zeiten, die wir als Künstler*innen vom Theaterbetrieb abhängig sind, erleben. Diese Zwangspause brachte mit sich andere Möglichkeiten des Arbeitens: die Ruhe über die Arbeit zu reflektieren, andere Qualitäten erweitern, umdenken. Dank der Förderung von TANZPAKT/RECONNECT wurde dies ermöglicht." Yolanda Gutiérrez (Foto bei WeWork von mir gemacht)
We are pleased to present our mentoring Carmen Mehnert - PlanB from SHAPE THE FUTURE. There are calm, beautiful moments of exchange that we experience with her. Thank you dear Carmen for your objectivity and openness!

"I am aware of the difficult times that we as artists are experiencing dependent on the theater business. This compulsory break brought with it other ways of working - reflecting on the calm about the work, expanding other qualities, rethinking. Thanks to the support of TANZPAKT / RECONNECT, who made this possible. " Yolanda Gutiérrez (Foto at WeWork made by myself)




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