Next up is Odd Oswald. Hailing all the way from San Francisco, where he started his career in the city's warehouse party scene and held residencies at Re:body & As You Like It.
Having lived in both San Francisco and Dallas, Oswald built up strong ties with their underground scenes, before eventually moving to Barcelona in 2013.
There his Odd Oswald project came to fruition as well as DJ duo 'Odd Parents' together with Maars and has been working under the Ellum Audio and Lone Romantic flag ever since.
After several years of producing and touring throughout Europe and South America with the Ellum Audio family, Oswald started his own event series 'Cult' in Barcelona with parties at Club Moog, Switch Bar & Laut, inviting undergrounds heaviest players like Lokier, Photonz, Orbe, Jensen Interceptor, Delta Funktionen and many others.
With releases on Science Cult, Kompakt & Audio Obscura, remixing dark disco's finest Moderna & Theus Mago on Side UP Works, Odd Oswald presents his distinctive taste for music that is dark & grooving, slick yet rugged, powerful & often obscure cinema inspired.