Der transformierende Raum

Der transformierende Raum DER TRANSFORMIERENDE RAUM ist eine Klang-Kunst Reihe entstanden in der Kölner St. Gertrud Kirche For more info check

Holger Mertin is a sound&movement artist and sustainability activist. He focuses on using the architectural room and environmental surroundings as an musical instrument. Mertin’s play is characterized by his intense physical and transdisciplinary performance style. For over ten years he taught sound semiotics, percussion and interdisciplinary projects at University for Music and Dance Cologne. He

collaborated with internationally renowned musicians and artists, among others Jaki Liebezeit, Milan Sladek (mime), DJ Marcelle, Stephanie Thiersch Mouvier, Ballett Theater Pforzheim. WDR Rundfunkorchester
In his interdisciplinary concert series "drums and more" he performed with artists like Eberhard Kranemann, Martin Sasse, Liron Man, Jonas Burgwinkel, Ibrahim Cakaloglu, Hayden Chisholm, Paul Shigihara, Roland Peil, Ali Haurand, Rick Kam, Nina Patrizia Hänel, Sebastian Studnitzky, Florian Ross. Mertin moreover composed the musical score of the WDR radio production 14 Tagebücher des Ersten Weltkriegs (14 Diaries of the First World War, 2014). He played as a improvisational soloist with the Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg and performed Solo-performences at Musicfair Frankfurt, WDR Cologne, WDR Siegen, in Zurich (Switzerland), etc.

Die „Guilt I?“ - AktionEine Aussage zu machen geschieht auf viele verschiedene Arten. „Guilt I?“ (Schuld Ich?) die Durch...

Die „Guilt I?“ - Aktion
Eine Aussage zu machen geschieht auf viele verschiedene Arten. „Guilt I?“ (Schuld Ich?) die Durchführung, die Organisation und die Planung der Idee… es passiert auf vielen verschiedenen Ebenen und Schichten.

Das geschriebene Wort ist für mich eine wichtige Aussage. Das geschriebene Wort ist eine Schöpfung, die auch Klang verwendet, während es auf einem Blatt Papier, einer Leinwand oder einer Wand fixiert wird.
Die Wände und Böden des AVA Gebäudes - Association for Visual Arts in Southafrica - wurden während der Performance zur Leinwand für das Schreiben von Klang und dem Klang von Schreiben.
Sich um die Themen Schuld, persönliche Geschichte, kollektive Geschichte und Rassismus entwickelnd, wurde der architektonische Raum zu einer Leinwand, auf der geschrieben werden kann.

Schichten von Klängen, Farben, Linien, Texturen - sie sind alle in das Schreiben integriert. Diese Schreibaktionen kanalisieren Einiges: Sie sind ein Ventil dafür, persönlichen Schmerz herauszulassen. Sie sind dazu noch so viel mehr: nämlich ein Statement - ein schriftliches, performatives, künstlerisches und musikalisches… alles gleichzeitig.
Den Dokufilm dazu gibt’s auf dem Holger Maik Mertin YouTube Kanal.

Die Performance-Zeichnungen wurden später fotografiert. Diese Wände sind jetzt wieder weiße Leinwand.

Throwback 🌳 to a Ritual/Sound Performance. It took place at the end of my recent visit and research at Goedgedacht / Car...

Throwback 🌳 to a Ritual/Sound Performance. It took place at the end of my recent visit and research at Goedgedacht / Care For The Planet nearby Cape Town. I worked with natural materials growing there… I enjoyed this inspiring week. 🌱


Latepost Alert ⏰ for „Grün Unterwegs Tour“ by
Snippet of Working and Recording at the very new Center for Contemporary Arts „Toplocentrala“ in Sofia


Impressions of the first 15 days of the „Green Unterwegs“ tour by Goethe-Institut ♻️


A little throwback never hurt anybody! This was when Istanbul was still at national lockdown and we went to a historical bazaar known for its record labels back in the day.

Performer: Holger Maik Mertin
Director & Editor: Erol Adilçe & Bahar Kılıç Adilçe
Producer: Mutlu Yetkin
Project Scriptwriter: Ayla Kanbur
Production Manager: Alinahid Koçak
Co-Producer: Yunus Emre Tolan
Consultant: Cagla Demirbas
Cinematographer: Kerim Hacıoğlu
Sound Mixer: Baransel Boyraz
Graphic Designer: Hulusi Tütüncü
Special Thanks: Goethe-Institut İstanbul
Jochen Proehl
Emir Barın
Volker Kuehl


How was Istanbul lockdown like at the beginning of this year? The answer is in the next Sounds of Corona video 👇🏻

Performer: Holger Maik Mertin
Director & Editor: Erol Adilçe & Bahar Kılıç Adilçe
Producer: Mutlu Yetkin
Project Scriptwriter: Ayla Kanbur
Production Manager: Alinahid Koçak
Co-Producer: Yunus Emre Tolan
Consultant: Cagla Demirbas
Cinematographer: Kerim Hacıoğlu
Sound Mixer: Baransel Boyraz
Graphic Designer: Hulusi Tütüncü
Special Thanks: Goethe-Institut İstanbul
Jochen Proehl
Emir Barın
Volker Kuehl


In the second video from the “Sounds of Corona” series, which was funded by Goethe-Institut İstanbul, you will experience Çemberlitaş and Sultanahmet in their unique atmospheres during lockdown as we needed to get an official permission from the municipality. This video series was a catalyst for me to take a step towards approaching open public spaces.

Performer: Holger Maik Mertin
Director & Editor: Erol Adilçe & Bahar Kılıç Adilçe
Producer: Mutlu Yetkin
Project Scriptwriter: Ayla Kanbur
Production Manager: Alinahid Koçak
Co-Producer: Yunus Emre Tolan
Consultant: Cagla Demirbas
Cinematographer: Kerim Hacıoğlu
Sound Mixer: Baransel Boyraz
Graphic Designer: Hulusi Tütüncü
Special Thanks: Emir Barın
Volker Kuehl


As I'm back in Istanbul, I would like to share the first video from the “Sounds of Corona” series, which was funded by Goethe-Institut İstanbul and filmed in March 2021 at Istanbul, Turkey.

You will experience Çemberlitaş and Sultanahmet in their unique atmospheres during lockdown as we needed to get an official permission from the municipality. This video series was a catalyst for me to take a step towards approaching open public spaces.

Performer: Holger Maik Mertin
Director & Editor: Erol Adilçe & Bahar Kılıç Adilçe
Producer: Mutlu Yetkin
Project Scriptwriter: Ayla Kanbur
Production Manager: Alinahid Koçak
Co-Producer: Yunus Emre Tolan
Consultant: Cagla Demirbas
Cinematographer: Kerim Hacıoğlu
Sound Mixer: Baransel Boyraz
Graphic Designer: Hulusi Tütüncü

Special Thanks: Emir Barın
Volker Kuehl


We are all surrounded by things that seem to be reasonable and make sense. But is it really like that - do our living conditions make sense? Do cars make sense? Do roads make sense? Did this evolution take us further as a civilization?

"The (Recycling) Ball" is a collective participation of building and rolling the ball together. The ball is our unifying precious symbol - in making and rolling of the (recycling) ball we can transform trash into something important. We use materials found in trash to create an existing utopia space. Collecting, Building, Performing, Happening and finally Installing an interim sculpture.

Performers: Blend Bytyqi, Fjolla Hoxha, Flamur Ahmeti, Yann Perregaux, and Holger Maik Mertin
Construction: Enes Sahiti
Producer & Organizer: Florent Mehmeti, Daniela Markaj / Teatri ODA
Camera: Xhengis Maqedonci
Sound: Armend Shala
Editing: Atdhe Hoda
Graphic Design: Tobias Göbel
Social Media and Consulting: Cagla Demirbas
Idea: Holger Maik Mertin
Concept: Florent Mehmeti and Holger Maik Mertin
Contributors: The Freelance Waste Collectors of Prishtina

In cooperation with Goethe-Zentrum Prishtina (Kosovo), NRW (Germany), Teatri ODA (Kosovo), and HAPU - Festival i Artit në Hapësirë Publike (Kosovo).

Istanbul rooftops, circa December 2020.📸: Cagla Demirbas

Istanbul rooftops, circa December 2020.

📸: Cagla Demirbas

As I will be leaving Kosovo soon, here is an image from the last two weeks. Don Doroci and Rolf Killius joined me in loc...

As I will be leaving Kosovo soon, here is an image from the last two weeks. Don Doroci and Rolf Killius joined me in location scouting and helped me prepare for the upcoming project "Poems of Pristina". Goethe-Zentrum Prishtina generously funded the project. Thanks to Valon Veliqi for the support. You will hear more soon!


To update last week's "The (Recycling) Ball" project: the ball disappeared after two days. It was a part of the concept and is the natural cycle of recycling, thus we knew that it would eventually happen. Us, the performers of the project, did something with trash and gave it a public appearance. We hoped that the waste collectors would do something with it. This completes the recycling cycle and is as important as the ball construction and the final performance itself.

Behind the scene photos from "The (Recycling) Ball" documentary. We believed that the documentation of building the ball...

Behind the scene photos from "The (Recycling) Ball" documentary. We believed that the documentation of building the ball was as important as the performance.

It took three days for us to prepare for "The (Recycling) Ball" performance. We built the ball by collecting from the tr...

It took three days for us to prepare for "The (Recycling) Ball" performance. We built the ball by collecting from the trash in an attempt to question us about our living habits. The project was funded by Goethe-Zentrum Prishtina as a part of HAPUDEMIA 2021 / HAPU - Festival i Artit në Hapësirë Publike 🗑️

My latest project "The (Recycling) Ball", funded and supported by Goethe-Zentrum Prishtina as a part of HAPUDEMIA 2021 /...

My latest project "The (Recycling) Ball", funded and supported by Goethe-Zentrum Prishtina as a part of HAPUDEMIA 2021 / HAPU - Festival i Artit në Hapësirë Publike, takes up on a current social reality in Pristina, Kosovo and the World. It is an assembly of the garbage, made out of everyday redundancy. We built the ball on the 21st and 22nd of September at the City Park as a collective effort.

Tomorrow, on 23rd September Thursday at 17:00, the grown up ball will continue its journey into the streets of Pristina until it reaches its final place on the University of Pristina campus and it will be installed as a interim-sculpture, questioning us about our living habits.

Performers: Holger Maik Mertin, Blend Bytyqi, Flamur Ahmeti, Yann Perregaux, Fjolla Hoxha
Construction: Enes Sahiti
Producer & Organizer: Florent Mehmeti, Daniela Markaj / Teatri ODA
Filmer: Xhengis Maqedonci
Drawing: Tobias Göbel


Dear friends,

I am happy to be a part of ReMusica Festival in Pristina, Kosovo with a performance in TermoKiss ⛪

Due to the Covid-19 measures in Kosovo, I will need to record the performance without participants and adapt the concept. The originally planned 12 hour analogue performance tomorrow will now be a one hour recording format streamed on September 19th.

The new working title is „Mikro Makro“!

Dear friends, I am happy to announce my first performance in Pristina, Kosovo. On 12 September Sunday, I will be perform...

Dear friends, I am happy to announce my first performance in Pristina, Kosovo. On 12 September Sunday, I will be performing for ReMusica Festival in Termokiss for 12 hours, with interventions by architect Rozi Basha.

This performance is inspired by my "Our analogue Me" performance in Istanbul, Turkey from March. The performance wouldn't include any electricity, including the smartphones of visitors. I wanna get into the core of this brutalist building and its emptiness. It got a different acoustic compared to my 'usual' performance spots. The acoustic is dryer. Therefore the movements will be crucial!

📢 Any potential changes in performance due to upcoming COVID-19 measures will be announced on social media.

“Wenn man sich schon Illusionen macht, dann aber richtig. Es muss stimmen auch wenn’s nur für eine kurze Zeit ist.“ ----...

“Wenn man sich schon Illusionen macht, dann aber richtig. Es muss stimmen auch wenn’s nur für eine kurze Zeit ist.“


“If you have illusions, then do it properly. It has to be right, even if it's only for a short time.“


A throwback to the"Our analog Me" performance preparations in Barın Han in March 🕯 I wanted to explore the surroundings ...

A throwback to the"Our analog Me" performance preparations in Barın Han in March 🕯 I wanted to explore the surroundings of Barın Han as much as the inner building itself. I very much like the idea of actually performing on rooftops. It’s a huge challenge… I am on it for the near future!

📷: Cagla Demirbas

Dear friends, I am happy to finally share the first video from the “Sounds of Corona” project in Istanbul, a cooperation...

Dear friends, I am happy to finally share the first video from the “Sounds of Corona” project in Istanbul, a cooperation with Goethe-Institut Türkei.

The lockdown was a starting point for creativity for me. I found my approach leaning towards the analogue formats even more than it was. I wanted to conceptualize playing urban spaces and performances in open places in a COVID-19 bound Istanbul setting. For the project, I collaborated with Erol Adilçe and Culture Lab team and performed in iconic public spaces in Istanbul, such as Çemberlitaş - Eminönü like in this video.

Çemberlitaş - Eminönü | Sounds of CoronaStadtklänge aus IstanbulWährend des Lockdowns in Istanbul entstanden an unterschiedlichen Orten interaktive Klang-Per...


Impressionen vom Konzert am Samstag in Köln

Gestriges Gesprächskonzert im Raum 20 Köln...
Duo Mertin-Niznik


Fotos vom Release-Konzert am Freitag

Holger Mertin und Justyna Niznik


great news: die Immersive Project Alben sind da!!! jetzt bereits auf CD, die vinyls folgen in kürze
lasst uns das morgen gebührend feiern: ab 21h gibt’s die sounds live im stadtgarten zu hören – mit dabei: Eberhard Kranemann, DJane Marcelle, Justyna Niznik, Koko Eberli und meine Wenigkeit. kommt vorbei!!

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++ Save the date: 21/04 ++ album release The Immersive Project live , cologne ++ analoge synthies, traditionelle instrumente und eine feine dosis rhythmik++

featuring # 4: Koko Eberli

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++ Save the date: 21/04 ++ album release The Immersive Project live , cologne ++ analoge synthies, traditionelle instrumente und eine feine dosis rhythmik++

featuring # 3: Violin-Virtuosin Justyna Niznik

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DJ Marcelle/Another Nice Mess

++ Save the date: 21/04 ++ album release The Immersive Project live , cologne ++ analoge synthies, traditionelle instrumente und eine feine dosis rhythmik++

Hört mal rein:

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featuring # 2: Elektronikerin DJane Marcelle (Amsterdam)

DJ Marcelle/Another Nice Mess - pioneer live, recording and radio dj from Amsterdam

Eberhard Kranemann

hallo leute, unsere album-release-party rückt näher – The Immersive Project live , cologne
++ Save the date: 21/04 ++
es erwarten euch analoge synthies, sorgfältig gemixt mit traditionellen instrumenten und einer feinen dosis rhythmik – das ganze in schweizer qualität (spezialmaterial label)

featuring # 1: Ex-Kraftwerkler Eberhard Kranemann

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Kunst von Eberhard Kranemann


Recording for STICKS Magazine "Percussion am Drumset" in my Cologne music room.


im WDR-Sendesaal zusammen mit Jorge Brazil kurz vorm Auftritt am Samstag mit dem WDR Rundfunkorchester beim Fazil Say Projekt - türkische Grooves und Orchester


R I P Jaki Liebezeit
You were an amazing Person and Musician.
You taught me so much


Krefelder Str. 57


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