etc - english theater cologne

etc - english theater cologne A professional English speaking theater company in Cologne, Germany. Producing and performing a wide

Merry Christmas and thank you! We both would like to thank everyone who has supported us this year and previously! Speci...

Merry Christmas and thank you!

We both would like to thank everyone who has supported us this year and previously! Special thanks to Volksbühne am Rudolfplatz for such a wonderful theater to perform in, to Apiro Entertainment for your amazing support, for the AIWCC and the Cosmopolitan Ladies Club of Cologone for your show of support for etc. , to the Freundschaftskreis Tonbridge und Malling for coming to see the show from so far away, to all of our audience members who have come to our show and some not once, not twice, not three times but more! We love you! We hope we haven't forgotten anyone!

2024 had it's challenges but we met with various theaters in Cologne about performing there and we have a glimmer of hope that we might be able to do just that in 2025.🤞🤞🤞🤞

In January we will be continuing work on our first original play with a wonderful, young British author as well as possibly performing Bakersfield Mist in Duesseldorf sometime in 2025.

We will be taking a trip to London in 2025 as well as looking at some other plays to produce.

So even if you haven't heard much from us this year, we are cooking! And grateful to all of you for helping to keep us going all these years!

We wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2025. We hope to see you!

With love and gratitude,

James and Kathleen

Today’s the day at Volksbühne am Rudolfplatz, Cologne with “Bakersfield Mist” by Stephen Sachs at 19:30. It’s been a lon...

Today’s the day at Volksbühne am Rudolfplatz, Cologne with “Bakersfield Mist” by Stephen Sachs at 19:30. It’s been a long 5 years but we are still here and very happy to be performing at this historic theatre. We want to thank you all for the support and to those who have made this possible. Kathleen A. Renish James Bunyon


This is one of the clips from an interview we did last year about etc and BAKERSFIELD MIST. This clip talks about what the audience can take away from the show. Happy Watching!

Neumarkt - If anyone is passing through Neumarkt (where the Theaterkasse is)  the next two weeks, perhaps you will see t...

Neumarkt - If anyone is passing through Neumarkt (where the Theaterkasse is) the next two weeks, perhaps you will see this...etc-english theater cologne will hopefully become more visible in Koeln. And our production of BAKERSFIELD MIST by Stephen Sachs at Volksbühne am Rudolfplatz on October 16 & 17. We hope to see you there!

Kathleen & James


We posted this as part of a series of an interview we did back in Sept. 2023. This one is: Why BAKERSFIELD MIST as our first production?

Enjoy! Hope to see you at Volksbühne am Rudolfplatz on Oct. 16 or 17, 2024.

Have a nice weekend!

With gratitude,

James & Kathleen

etc - english theater cologne Cologne's only resident professional English Theater Ensemble.We have great news! We will ...

etc - english theater cologne
Cologne's only resident professional English Theater Ensemble.

We have great news! We will be back on stage on Oct. 16 & 17 only at VOLKSBÜHNE AM RUDOLFPLATZ with our show, Bakersfield Mist by Stephen Sachs! We are very grateful to Volksbühne for their support and to Apiro Entertainment and AmerikaHaus NRW. We had a great run at HORIZONT THEATER in June for our Premier and then performances in Sept., Oct. and November, 2023.

This is a much larger theater so we really need people to come and see these performances. We've spent this year talking with theaters and VB opened up their arms to us and our little show.

You can scan the QR code for info and tickets. We will have a "Meet and Greet" in the bar / foyer afterwards with the audience.

If you haven't seen BAKERSFIELD MIST yet, we would love to see you. If you have, maybe you'd like to see it in this wonderful theater. Please tell your friends, and we hope to see you there. Thanks again to everyone that has supported us in any way since we started 4 years ago during COVID.

In case you have any difficulties with the QR code, here is a link:

With love and appreciation,

Kathleen & James


We’ve had a crazy schedule watching shows since we arrived on Wednesday. Checking out venues and getting a feel for the festival. We still have a lot of work to do on our Untitled Edinburgh Fringe Mystery. Comedy. More to come…🔍🕵️‍♀️🔍

Edinburgh Fringe Festival, here we are!

Edinburgh Fringe Festival, here we are!


Sport and culture are key components for a healthy society and strengthen social ties, mental and physical health, creative thinking and cultural diversity. These socially important topics must be better anchored structurally!

✨On Tuesday, March 12, 2024 from 7 p.m., 4 experts will talk with the presenter Tom Bartels, about the structural anchoring of sport, art and culture! Come along and join us!

The experts:
Angie Hiesl, performance artist, choreographer and director

Svenja Hoffeller , dancer and choreographer, member of the board of the VdK .hoffeller

Philip Walter, Managing Director Kölner Haie

Peter Pfeifer, First Chairman of the Cologne Sports Association
Moderation: Tom Bartels

Location:TTheater im Bauturm Freies Schauspiel Köln Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Time: 7 p.m.
Admission: Free
(Aachener Str. 24)
✨We look forward to seeing you! Come by and join the conversation!

Thanks to

and for the great


James Bunyon
Kathleen A. Renish


✨ Sport und Kultur sind Schlüsselkomponenten für eine gesunde Gesellschaft❣️Sie stärken sozialen Bindungen, mentale und körperliche Gesundheit, kreatives Denken und kulturelle Vielfalt.
Diese gesellschaftlich so wichtigen Themen müssen strukturell besser verankert werden!

✨Am Dienstag, dem 12. März 2024 ab 19 Uhr sprechen 4 Expert*innen mit der Moderation von Tom Bartels über die strukturelle Verankerung von Sport, Kunst und Kultur! Kommt gerne vorbei!

Angie Hiesl, Performance-Künstlerin, Choreographin und Regisseurin

Svenja Hoffeller , Tänzerin und Choreographin, Mitglied im Vorstand des VdK .hoffeller

Philip Walter, Geschäftsführer Kölner Haie

Peter Pfeifer, Erster Vorsitzender Stadtsportbund Köln
Moderation: Tom Bartels

Datum: Dienstag, 12. März 2024
Uhrzeit: 19 Uhr
Eintritt: Frei
(Aachener Str. 24)
✨Wir freuen uns auf euch! Kommt vorbei und redet mit!

Danke an

und für die tolle



Hello Everyone! We hope you are all healthy and well. We've been busy behind the scenes, in meetings, talking with theaters, Zooming, Skyping, getting things together for 2024. That's why you haven't heard anything from us.

We still have one more video clip from our interview in September, 2023. This one -clip 9, is about our educational program which we created during the pandemic - The English Writing Challenge. Have a look. And stay tuned for more info about what's cooking with etc-english theater cologne! We appreciate all of you!

With love,

Kathleen & James

Happy Holidays from etc - english theater cologne !We wish you all a wonderul Christmas holiday and a peaceful and healt...

Happy Holidays from etc - english theater cologne !

We wish you all a wonderul Christmas holiday and a peaceful and healthy start in the new year. I'm going to try NOT to get COVID again (three times was enough in 2023!!)

We also want to thank everyone for supporting us this year by coming out to see BAKERSFIELD MIST. We'll be on the stage again in 2024 with the same show and hopefully a new one!

WIth lots of jolly love,

Kathleen & James


etc - english theater cologne

Hi Everyone!

We hope you are all well and not in too much pre-Christmas stress. Here is video #8 from our interview - What is etc?

It's short but sweet. Thanks for watching!

Thanks to Damir Basic and No Big Studio in Koeln for the videos!

With love,

James and Kathleen




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