Sport and culture are key components for a healthy society and strengthen social ties, mental and physical health, creative thinking and cultural diversity. These socially important topics must be better anchored structurally!
✨On Tuesday, March 12, 2024 from 7 p.m., 4 experts will talk with the presenter Tom Bartels, about the structural anchoring of sport, art and culture! Come along and join us!
The experts:
Angie Hiesl, performance artist, choreographer and director @angiehiesl_rolandkaiser
Svenja Hoffeller , dancer and choreographer, member of the board of the VdK @svenja.hoffeller
Philip Walter, Managing Director Kölner Haie
Peter Pfeifer, First Chairman of the Cologne Sports Association
Moderation: Tom Bartels
Location:TTheater im Bauturm Freies Schauspiel Köln Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Time: 7 p.m.
Admission: Free
@theaterimbauturm (Aachener Str. 24)
✨We look forward to seeing you! Come by and join the conversation!
Thanks to @stadtsportbund_koeln
and @vdk_koeln for the great
James Bunyon
Kathleen A. Renish
✨ Sport und Kultur sind Schlüsselkomponenten für eine gesunde Gesellschaft❣️Sie stärken sozialen Bindungen, mentale und körperliche Gesundheit, kreatives Denken und kulturelle Vielfalt.
Diese gesellschaftlich so wichtigen Themen müssen strukturell besser verankert werden!
✨Am Dienstag, dem 12. März 2024 ab 19 Uhr sprechen 4 Expert*innen mit der Moderation von Tom Bartels über die strukturelle Verankerung von Sport, Kunst und Kultur! Kommt gerne vorbei!
Angie Hiesl, Performance-Künstlerin, Choreographin und Regisseurin @angiehiesl_rolandkaiser
Svenja Hoffeller , Tänzerin und Choreographin, Mitglied im Vorstand des VdK @svenja.hoffeller
Philip Walter, Geschäftsführer Kölner Haie
Peter Pfeifer, Erster Vorsitzender Stadtsportbund Köln
Hello Everyone! We hope you are all healthy and well. We've been busy behind the scenes, in meetings, talking with theaters, Zooming, Skyping, getting things together for 2024. That's why you haven't heard anything from us.
We still have one more video clip from our interview in September, 2023. This one -clip 9, is about our educational program which we created during the pandemic - The English Writing Challenge. Have a look. And stay tuned for more info about what's cooking with etc-english theater cologne! We appreciate all of you!
With love,
Kathleen & James
etc - english theater cologne
Hi Everyone!
We hope you are all well and not in too much pre-Christmas stress. Here is video #8 from our interview - What is etc?
It's short but sweet. Thanks for watching!
Thanks to Damir Basic and No Big Studio in Koeln for the videos!
With love,
James and Kathleen