Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain ☔
Rocky Horror Picture Show
NEXT SHOWS: All shows are listed here....
https://rhpsberlin.de Wer ist Max Mayhem? bis nach
Berlin reichen.
Max Mayhem's Rocky Horror Picture Show
has been a part of the Berlin film culture since 2009 when Max first moved here from America where he was a successful RHPS promoter. SHOW SCHEDULE
October 28 & 31 2017, RHPS, Babylon, www.babylonberlin.de
Was ist ein Shadow Cast? Als Shadow Cast wird eine Truppe von Amateurschauspielern bezeichnet, die einen bekannten Film auf der Bühne nachspielt, währ
end dieser hinter ihnen auf einer Leinwand im Original gezeigt wird. Diese künstlerische Darstellungsform entstand in den 1970er Jahren aufgrund der großen Popularität der Rocky Horror Picture Show in der USA, da es dort den vielen Fans des Films
irgendwann nicht mehr ausreichte nur zuzusehen. Ziel des Shadow Casts ist es – neben dem eigenen Spaß – die Zuschauer zum mitmachen, der sogenannten „Audience Participation“ zu animieren. Heute haben sich Shadow Casts zu den verschiedensten Musicaladaptionen in vielen Ländern der Welt als eigene Form der Theaterproduktion erfolgreich etabliert und laufen dort meist viele Jahre. So gibt es hunderte Rocky Horror Shadow Casts überall in der Welt, aber leider nur wenige in Europa. Der 2009 in Berlin gegründete Shadow Cast “RHPS Berlin”, wurde aufgrund seiner überwältigenden Performance und Ausstrahlung sogar auf der in 2010 erschienenen Blu-Ray Version der Rocky Horror Picture Show verewigt. Mehr über die Rocky Horror Picture Show Blu-ray:
Unter den Extras der Blue-Ray finden sich Reisevideos von RHPS Berlin zum Casting in London und einmalige Momente der Truppe, wie das Zusammentreffen der Cast-Mitglieder mit einem ihrer größten Stars aus dem Originalfilm von 1975. Er ist eine Rocky Horror-Legende: Am 31.10.2012 blickt Max zurück auf eine 23 jährige Karriere als Produzent und Regisseur von Shadow Casts weltweit. Es gibt niemanden auf diesem Planeten, der länger dabei ist und in mehr Theatern weltweit (aktuell 45) die Rocky Horror Picture Show auf die Bühne gebracht hat. Würde man eine Menschenkette von Darstellern aller bisherigen Shows bilden, würde diese mindestens von L.A. Nach Berlin führte es ihn zum ersten Mal im Juli 2009, dort produzierte er
bis zur letzten Show an Halloween 2010 für eine große Fangemeinde im Babylon-Kino „RHPS Berlin“. Nach nun fast zwei Jahren ist er zurück, den Koffer voller neuer Ideen und einer Menge Wahnsinn: “Berlin is an incredible place for this event. And the Babylon is the perfect place to have it.” - Max Mayhem
Das Babylon-Kino
Das Babylon ist ein wunderschönes altes Berliner Lichtspielhaus in bester Mitte-Lage, das nahezu perfekt ist für die Produktion von Rocky Horror. Der große Saal hat 550 Plätze, inklusive einer großen Loge im ersten Stock. Natürlich gibt es den Film in 2012 in der Blu-Ray-Version, eine bessere Qualität ist einfach nicht möglich. Das Babylon lässt außerdem eine Zuschauerbeteiligung mit nur wenigen Einschränkungen (kein Reis, Mehl, Wasser) zu und bietet eine große Auswahl an kalten Drinks vor und während der Show im Foyer
an. “The Bluray has superior sound and color to all other formats of the film. The pink walls of frank-n-furters lab are now more vivid and bright.” – Phoenix RHPS
Der Cast: “This is art, not Hollywood…”
Amateurschauspieler und alle, die gerne einmal bei einer Theaterproduktion als Crewmitglied dabei sein möchten, sind aufgefordert sich umgehend per Mail unter:
[email protected]
zu bewerben. Frei nach dem legendären Credo des Films “DON´T DREAM IT – BE IT!” werden alle Kostüme, das Makeup und auch alle Stunts selbst gemacht. Jeder, der neugierig ist und Lust hat bei einer der verrücktesten Produktionen Berlins in 2012 dabei zu sein, ist herzlich willkommen und soll sich bitte direkt bei Max per Mail melden. Mails in Englisch werden schneller beantwortet, da Max Deutschkenntnisse immer noch lausig sind.
Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain ☔
That's the last one, I promise 👀
Let is snow!
If you bought tickets and have not been contacted already, please reach out to the Babylon.
We'll see you next year 🖤❤🖤❤
It's Christmas! 🎅 Which means the canva graphics are getting a run for their money and our limited XMAS show photo stock is running thin. Don't miss and get tickets while stocks last! Link below! 🎟❄
That's what you get when let a British woman run the socials.
Get in the holiday spirit! Grab yourself a ticket to our xmas show BABYLON on 8.12.23! Tickets available via the link below!
Lick 'em, baby! Only 7 days to go until our Christmas Extravaganza at the Babylon! https://babylonberlin.eu/programm/live/live-event/199-rocky-horror-picture-show-live-shadow-cast
Here's a shot from our recent Christmas party. We have such festive nonsense planned for our XMAS EXTRAVAGANZA on 8th December BABYLON! Be there or be square!
Come as you are to our upcoming Xmas special! Tickets available via link on bio 🎟🎄🥳
Whether you've been naughty or nice, there's room for you at our XMAS SHOW - the final show of the year! Come along on 8th Dec for a night of festive fun! 🎁🎟❄💋Tickets available via the link in bio
We're waiting for you 💋Tickets via the link in bio
The new Cattle Dog for the family makes everything better.
Unwrapping the Xmas present you bought for yourself 😍 Treat yourself to a ticket to our upcoming XMAS SHOW on 8th Dec 🎁 Tickets via the link in bio 🎟
Why is this giving me Merkel at Halloween? ⚰🎅Tickets to our XMAS SHOW available via the link in bio 🎟
We can't wait to see you all at our XMAS show on 8th December 🎅❄🎟 Tickets still available via the link in bio! Get em while they're hot! 🎄🥳
Christmas season is upon us and of course we're doing a very festive Time Warp again at the Babylon on December 8 at Midnight - get your tickets here: https://babylonberlin.eu/programm/live/live-event/199-rocky-horror-picture-show-live-shadow-cast
💋 Find someone who looks like this when you kiss them 💋 Don't forget to book tickets in advance to avoid disappointment at the door of our XMAS SPECIAL show on 8th Dec 🎟 Tickets via the link in bio
Better to just skip the staff party altogether and grab tickets to our X-MAS X-TRAVAGANZA on 8th Dec! 🎷 Tickets available via the link in bio 🎟❄🎄
IT'S CHRIIISTMAAAAAS! Get tickets to our X-TRA SPECIAL X-MAS SHOW on 8th December 🎅💋🎟❄ Available via the link in bio
Our Queen who art in heaven, Franky be thy name; thy Rocky come; Thy will be done on earth with antici....pation 🙏 What better way to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus than attending our X-MAS EXTRAVAGANZA on 8th December . Makes a great secret Santa present! Tickets available via the link in bio
He's our hero! Get tickets to our 🎄 X-MAS SHOW on 8th December 🎅 via the link in bio. 🎟 BYOF (bring your own friends) or get to know some new ones. We don't bite (or do we?) 😏
🤯 Who'd have thunk it? Don't miss our Christmas show on 8th December and secure your tickets now via the link in bio 🎟🎅🎄
We loved your Halloween costumes and energy so much BABYLON! We are one big family: from the drunkest virgin to the oldest queen, we are freaks united under the flag of RHPS! 🎅 Join us for our ###-MAS end-of-year show via the link in bio 🎟💋
How it feels to be a shadow caster on 1st November. We had such a blast performing with you guys over Halloween, but that means it's time for us to start gathering our strength for our ###-MAS EXTRAVAGANZA 👽🎄 Don't miss early booking via the link in bio 🎟💋
Thank you all for coming to our Halloween Extravaganza 2023! We'll see you on December 8 for our Christmas show!
COSTUME CONTEST tonight for our Halloween special! Can't wait to see all you guys, girls and they-bies for our busiest night of the year 🎃🥳
LAST CHANCE TO GRAB TICKETS (if they haven't sold out already!) 🎃 Get tickets to our Halloween specials via the link in bio 🎟
"Getting old is no fun".
That's what my Dad said all the time. I understand that sentinent as I pass down these words to my children. These words empowered me to live life to the fullest. And I have. I know I look pretty healthy on the outside, but the milage on Max Mayhem is very high. I do not get the proper understanding from friends and acquaintances about my health. They dont know the long list of health problems that I have. And they probably dont know the mental milage of my pleight either. I have endured being misunderstood for decades. I dont get the proper credit I deserve for really opening up the RHPS genre by touring when it was forbidden in many cases for others. ... for pushing creativity and being the poster boy for non-screen accuracy. ... for being brave enough to take my hijinks to other countries and spreading the gospal of cooperation in a very unorganized and overly competitive artist genre. .... for having private work shop for other people in the genre that seek knowledge about this crazy genre. And so much more.
All these things were struggles and put louds of miles on my body and my mind. It's been 34 years in the genre, and frankly, im sick of it all. The end of my run in Rocky is coming. Shortly followed by the end of me. I hope I have taught something to the people I have crossed, and I hope these lessons make those souls greater because of it.
We're still washing the flour out of our hair, but we're on cloud 9 after such an amazing audience at ! As our international family make their journeys home, we wanted to share some shots from front and back stage. There's plenty more where these came from, so stay tuned!
Thank you everyone for the hugely successful show Saturday at Freiluftkino Rehberge. Thank You to the theater for 15 years of support for this crazy show. 2000 + in attendence again. I wonder if we will ever sell it out. See you all next year.
Repost: We love our international Rocky family so much. We hope you enjoyed the show tonight. Photos to follow but here are some of our rehearsal yesterday
🎙Showcase 🏋 Rocky 💛 Our Rocky is always on theme and ready to strut their stuff across our stages here in Berlin. Don't miss out on the next opportunity to catch this for yourself tomorrow at Rehberge 🎟 Tickets via the link in bio
🏅 "The only thing I've come to trust, is an or****ic rush of lust" 🏋 Our golden glittering half-brained hunk of too many muscles. Come and check out our Rockys from all over the world this weekend at Rehberge 🎟 Tickets via the link in bio
🎙 Showcase 🎷Eddie ⛏️ 3:37 seconds of pure Rock n' Roll! Give it up for RHPS Berlin's Eddies! Tickets to Rehberge this weekend still available via the link in bio 🎟
🎸 "Hot Patootie, bless my soul. I really love that Rock n' Roll" 🏍 Never has there been a more talented delivery boy than our Eddie. Jump up and dance along with us next weekend at Rehberge. Tickets available via the link in bio
Its the Biggest show of the season. 2000 crazy fans who love to have food fights under the stars.
Bring your ....
toilet paper
sq**rt guns
noise makers
party hats
and maybe wear some sexy underwear. Or dont, costume is not required. Its our 15th year at Freiluftkino Rehberge. Help us celebrate.
Rosa-Luxemburg-Str. 30
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UZ - Pressefest - Fest des Friedens und der
Rosa-Luxemburg-PlatzVolksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz
Rosa-Luxemburg-PlatzSehen - Filmreihe der Volksbühne
Rosa-Luxemburg-PlatzThe Saddest Music In The World
Rosa Luxemburg PlatzTheater X / JugendtheaterBüro Berlin