This detailed stoneware vase by Anne Nginyangka Thompson is titled 'Strong Family Connection' and is showing in our Ernabella Showcase, on in the gallery until December 21st. The beautiful design tells of a time before European colonisation, when people lived in harmony with the land and were connected as families.
Anne Nginyangka Thompson is a qualified interpreter as well as an artist. She delivered an address at the Australian Ceramics Triennale conference on the role of young people at Ernabella Arts and the importance of art centres in remote communities. In 2014 and 2022 Anne was the winner of the Shepparton Arts Museum’s prestigious Indigenous Ceramic Art Award and her work was acquired for their collection. In 2023 Anne won the Wandjuk Marika Memorial 3D Award at the Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards for her ceramic artwork.
Featured: Anne Nginyangka Thompson ‘Strong Family Connection’ 2024, stoneware, 37cm x 13cm x 6cm (top opening)
#ErnabellaArts #PukatjaCommunity #CeramicArt #Ceramics #FineDetail #AboriginalArt #FistNationsArt #AustralianArt #IndigenousArt #FlindersLaneGallery #ErnabellaShowcase #Art #Artist #CeramicsExhibition #UniqueArt #AnneNginyangkaThompson #StrongFamilyConnection
Featuring as part of our Ernabella Showcase is this stunning vase by Langaliki Lewis, ‘Tjala – Honey Ants’
Tjala or honey ants live in nests about a metre underground beneath mulga trees, and they are a highly favoured food source. The tjala tunnels that lead down to the ants' nests are called nyinantu, and the larvae are called ipilyka-ipilyka. After the rain when the ground is soft the women go digging for tjala by looking for the drill holes under the trees. They then use shovels and crowbars to dig down following the tunnels to find the tjala inside. Anangu suck the delicious rich honey-like liquid from the distended abdomen of the tjala. The story of the tjala is told across the Northern Territory into South Australia and is an important link between Anangu mythology and inter-dependence on the environment.
Langaliki Lewis is the daughter of senior artist Atipalku Intjalki (painter) and Adrian Intjalki (timber artist) and mother to three daughters. Langaliki began working at the Ernabella TAFE and later the community office and then store. She is an up-and-coming artist who is also showing great promise in her sensitive depictions of her country on canvas and we’re thrilled to have her work on display in the gallery until we close for the summer holidays on Dec 21st.
View our Ernabella Showcase online –LINK IN PROFILE
Langaliki Lewis ‘Tjala -Honey Ants’ 2024, stoneware, 23 x 12Ccm x 3.5cm top opening
#ErnabellaArts #PukatjaCommunity #CeramicArt #Ceramics #FineDetail #AboriginalArt #FistNationsArt #AustralianArt #IndigenousArt #FlindersLaneGallery #ErnabellaShowcase #Art #Artist #CeramicsExhibition #UniqueArt #LangalikiLewis #Tjala #HoneyAnts
Richard Blackwell’s latest exhibition ‘Plural’ is now open.
An exhibition of robotically fabricated and meticulously spray-painted wall sculptures, ‘Plural’ invites audiences to engage with the convoluted dance between manual craftsmanship and advances in automation, reflecting on the nature of making in an age of increasing technological mediation. This exhibition is less a celebration and more a contemplation of the pluralistic condition of contemporary life, where discipline, perception, and technology collide to create something both unsettling and intriguing.
We hope you can join us and the artist to celebrate at the exhibition opening party this Saturday 10 August from 1 - 3pm. RSVP appreciated: [email protected]
Exhibition on now until 24 August.
Gallery hours 11-5 Tue-Sat (Exhibitions close at 3pm on final Saturday)
View online – link in bio
Virtual Tour -link in profile too
#Abstraction #AbstractArt #WallSculpture #ContemporaryPainting #ContemporaryArt #InterdisciplinaryArt #TotalEclipse #RichardBlackwellArtist #Art #Artist #Plural #ArtExhibition #SprayPainting #Intaglio #FlindersLaneGallery #OpticalIllusion #artandtechnology #collectableart #uniqueart #flinderslanegallery
Congratulations to Melinda Schawel for this seriously incredible work. This intensely detailed piece ‘Let the Light in’ is a finalist in the Waterhouse Natural Science Prize. Melinda's has turned her art into light-soaked organic paper-lace!
"Continually inspired by the minutiae of natural elements and eroded surfaces, I was specifically drawn to the exquisite artistry of a single feather in this work - its tree-like structure, lightweight and flexible but rigid enough for flight." Melinda Schawel 2024
Melinda upcoming solo at FLG is on from 12 April - 10 June 2024
Let the Light in
perforated & burnt 640gsm paper
162x119cm framed
#artprize #southaustralia #nature #science #art #paper #light #lightasafeather #waterhousenaturalscienceartprize @southaustralianmuseum #melindaschawel #flinderslanegalleryartist
'Women to the Front' An official INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY CULTURAL PROGRAM exhibition by Kathrin Longhurst is now open! Visit us to view in person and/or jump into the virtual tour-
Join us and the artist to celebrate the opening of this exhibition on FRIDAY 8TH MARCH, 5 - 7PM RSVP appreciated: [email protected]
KATHRIN LONGHURST | Women to the Front | 5 -27 March
#VIRTUALTOUR #virtualgallery #OilPainting #Portrait #Pilot #InternationalWomensDay #WomenToTheFront #FlindersLaneGallery #Art #Artist #ArtExhibition #KathrinLonghurst #WarriorWoman
This is a divine little series of drawings by currently exhibiting artist Kim Anderson. Inspired by Wendell Berry’s poem ‘The Peace of Wild Things’, Kim’s drawings focus on hope, resilience, empathy and solace, offering a salve to our collective grief and anxiety as we navigate these tumultuous, uncertain times.
‘In the modern tumult of existence, where despair for the world's future often gnaws at our minds, the refuge of nature becomes a sanctuary. In the heart of the chaos, we find solace in the serenity of the wild…’ Excerpt from catalogue essay by Kate McAuley
KIM ANDERSON ‘The Peace of Wild Things’ is on now until December 22.
View this exhibition in the gallery Tue – Wed 11-5 or view and acquire online:
Featured: Imprint I, II, III & IV
All by Kim Anderson 2023, ink, charcoal and graphite on paper, 37 x 30 cm (framed 52 x 44)
We are now open with our final exhibition for 2023, the astonishingly detailed drawings by Kim Anderson. This deeply thoughtful and poignant body of works 'The Peace of Wild Things' is a beautiful celebration of life. The virtual tour is now online if you are unable to visit in person. If you can visit, I encourage you to do so.
Join us for the opening celebrations with Kim on Saturday the 9th December from 1-3pm.
#DetailedDrawing #ContemporaryDrawing #CharcoalDrawing #DetailedArt #LightAndShadow #ArtAndNature #KimAndersonArt #ThePeaceOfWildThings #Art #Artist #ArtExhibition #FlindersLaneGallery #ContempoararyArt #virtualtour #virtualartgallery
The way sculptor Dónal Molloy-Drum elevates humble materials like wood and stainless steel is extraordinary, crafting biomorphic pieces that exude warmth and elegance. His latest exhibition ‘Flux’ is now open -- check out the virtual tour! Link in profile
‘Having travelled quite regularly between Australia and Ireland over the past year, this new group of sculptures comes from a time of change, a time of fluidity and contrast. Life’s flow and the sounds, textures, and light of the natural world in the changing seasons, invoke in my work a sense of place and time through organic abstract forms.’ -- Dónal Molloy-Drum 2023
‘Flux’ is showing in the gallery until October 21st
Gallery hours: Tue-Sat 11-5 (exhibition closes 3pm final Saturday)
Artwork featured:
Jimmy's Wall 2023
stainless steel, wood, blown glass, brass
50cm x 27cm x 13cm
#DonalMolloyDrum #Sculpture #Sculptor #Art #Artist #ArtExhibition #Flux #SainlessSteelSculpture #BiomorphicDesign #VirtualTour #ExhibitionOnNow #ArtCollector
It's the first day of Agneta Ekholm's new solo and we have just uploaded the virtual tour.
Agneta Ekholm’s method of work is unconventional – it is an intuitive, contemplative approach where the artist surrenders to the passions of the moment and plays with the watery cascades of colour...It is a reductive process of painting with constant erasure of the films of semi-transparent layers of pigment. (excerpt from catalogue essay by Sasha Grishin)
Head to to view. Link in Profile The exhibition runs Tuesday September 26 – Saturday October 14 in the gallery.
Gallery hours: 11-5 Tue-Sat (exhibitions close at 3pm on final Saturday
#AgnetaEkholm #Confluence #Abstract #AbtractArt #ContemporaryAbstract #ContemporaryArt #Translucence #Opacity #Elegance #Art #Artist #Painting #Zen #Tranquility #ArtCollector #ContemporaryPainting #virtualtour #virtualgallery
FLG is thrilled to present ‘Flux’, a new suite of works by Dónal Molloy-Drum. These dynamic sculptures will be exhibited in our Showroom Gallery from October 3 – 21. Speaking to this body of work Dónal elucidates:
‘Having travelled quite regularly between Australia and Ireland over the past year this new group of sculptures comes from a time of change, a time of fluidity and contrast…. Continuing with my art practice between the vast flat landscape of the Wimmera region of Victoria and an undulating coastal landscape in the Southwest of Ireland - it is where these opposite worlds meet that inform my practice.’
This exhibition is online now – head to to view. [email protected] to enquire.
Gallery hours: 11-5 Tue-Sat (Exhibition will close at 3pm on final Saturday 21st)
Featured: Dónal Molloy-Drum ‘Embrace’ 2023, stainless steel, 57 x 30 x 20 cm
EXPLORATION 23 – Opening next week!
Join us and this talented group of artists to celebrate the opening of this year’s ‘Exploration’ -- our highly anticipated annual showcase of emerging and unsigned artists. This year’s group features exceptional work by Vyvian Wilson, Samuel Massey, Prita tina Yeganeh, Nicholas Hopwood, Luke Neil, Lucy Ray, Liz Priestly, Bridget Hillebrand, Brent Lukey and Braden Howard.
OPENING EVENT: Saturday 24 June 1-3 pm. Rsvp appreciated but not essential: [email protected]
EXPLORATION 23 | 20 June – 15 July | View online via link in bio or
Gallery hours Tue-Sat 11-5
#Explore #Explorations #EmergingArtist #UnsignedArtists #UnrepresentedArtists #NewTalent #Explorations23 #GroupShow #ArtExhibition #FlindersLaneGallery #Art #Artists #EmergingArtists #UnsignedArtist #UnrepresentedArtist #NextBigThing #ExhibitionOpening
It's the first day of the two solo exhibitions of Zac Koukoravas and Jay Kochel. The link to the virtual tour is or come in to see these dynamic and intriguing works for yourself.
Zac Koukoravas’ multilayered panels of glass and perspex are characterized by a dualistic use of shadow and light, depth and space, revelation and concealment, history and memory.
Jay Kochel's has produced intricately beautiful mechanical engravings on brushed aluminium and 3D works made from resin meshes, the resin created from UV light sensitive soybean.
ZAC KOUKORAVAS ‘HIGH FADE’ and JAY KOCHEL 'MEANWHILE' ARE ON from 28 mar - 22 APRIL. Head to the link in our bio to view these exhibitions online.
#AbstractArt #GraphicShapes #SculpturalPainting #Layers #PaintingOnPerspex #Translucence #ZacKoukoravas #IllusionaryDepth #Sfumato #HighFade #Faded #AirBrush
#Engraving #EngravingOnMetal #Intaglio #MachineDrawing #Intricate #3DScanning #3DModelling #InterdisciplinaryArt #MelbourneExhibition #MelbourneGalleries #FlindersLaneGallery #AustralianArt #AustralianArtist #JayKochel #Rocket #Art #ArtExhibition #ContemporaryArt