Movie Night
“Loving Vincent”
The Weavers had a full weekend of demonstrations and presentations at LCFA this last weekend . . .
Bummed you didn’t get a pottery spot? One just opened up! Grab the last spot! Tomorrow, Fri. 02/17 4:30-6:30pm
Call or text: 321-947-0025
Email: [email protected]
Chill Art EP 36 - Healing with Languages of Nature
Or watch on Youtube NOW -
Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of nature with Kevin Songer, Biologist, Nature Artist and Sonic Engineer. Following Kevin's presentation we are heading into the woods to make trailside earth mandala. Headphones not necessary but highly recommended.
Links to Kevin's artwork and field recordings are below followed by his written story of healing by and with nature.
Links: Kevin's website with hours of free nature sounds at:
Kevin's Soundcloud page - more free nature inspiration.
Kevin's Instagram
Kevin's Facebook
Kevin's Twitter
More free nature sounds - Geo-tagged! Kevin's FreeSound page
Kevin's Fine Art America page!
Bio Hi. I'm Kevin, a biologist and nature artist who is sharing sensory and intuitive healing nature experiences found around us yet often existing outside our normal human perceptions. First, I spend as much time as I can out in the Florida wilderness, recording & illustrating, day and night, nature audio, visual and other nature vectors to share, for free, via Soundcloud, FreeSound, Youtube and my websites. Second, I am spreading awareness of experienceable nature just outside our normal sensory limits with hopes of creating symbiotic connections between people and nature; connections that will benefit both plants, wildlife, the cosmos and humans all together. I do believe when people connect with Nature's art, especially through field recordings, audio and nature radio, they can be inspired to go outdoors and experience outdoor life for themselves. I also
Snowball Fight in August
Last Friday's Coffee & Convo's topic was "What is True Fun?" CFA member Lois Kamp surprised us with a summer snowball fight. So much delight! Join us this Friday at noon when the topic is "This or That" a fun way to get to know each other better.
In the Studio with Guest Semeion
In the Studio with Guest Semeion, Mary, and Co-hosts Arrachme and Maria.
Last week we premiered our 34th Episode of "CHILL ART - Creative and Mindful Tools to Help you Calm & Renew." We invite you to check out the public service series on our youtube channel. Many thanks to our Season 4 guest contributors: Megha Tiwari of San Francisco, Ed Anderson of Mt Dora, Olivia Statler of Toronto, Mary Trowbridge and Gary Sligh of Leesburg, and Patt Gilmore our program director and producer. If you would like to be a guest please contact us. Here is the playlist link -
Getting Lost in Another World - EP34 Chill Art Clip
This is a clip of Gary Sligh relating a story told during the recording of Episode 34 of Chill Art. The full recording is already uploaded to YouTube and will premiere in our Facebook Library on July 11th. Have a look. To view the full episode now click here:
2022 Summer Art Camp Lion
We are going to have a ROCKIN' summer art camp with the middle and high schoolers. Jim Denzler is teaching perspective and sketching, Verna Shelden is not only teaching segments of watercolor painting, she is full time assisting for both levels, Kym Wenzel is assisting the middlers, Susan Fink is penciled in for charcoal drawing, Karen VanBeek for mid-day Bucket Brain Breaks (MS), Mary T for acrylic pours (HS) and then there's all the other creative stuff such as Faux Taxidermy, Creative Sparks activities, Improv, story writing and telling and... SO - Having posted that - get those kids psyched up and registered. July is coming FAST.
Ms Patt (teacher for the "olders" summer art camp) begins student's mornings with a quick Creative Sparks activity to get their creative juices flowing. In this video it is Sculptionary with middle schoolers. Teens aren't the only players. Creative Sparks activities for Adults is slotted for August CFA Programming too. Release Your Genius.
In the Studio with Kate Wilson
Live in the Studio with Arrachme, Maria Stefanovic, Michel Bergeron and special guest Kate Wilson.
Shhhhh - we sneak geometry into our 7th & 8th grade summer art camp sessions with fun 3D projects like this geodesic dome. It is a S.T.E.A.M. project and just big enough to get inside. Summer Camp dates are JULY 11th - 15th from 10am - 3pm. register -
Future art directors. (HS Art Camp 2019) Some of our photography exercises are college level. Teens have chosen them as their favorite part of the week. They are not only challenged as to subject but also execution and direction. Some are collaborative and all are fun. 9th & 10th grade art camp is July 18 - 22nd register at our website -
CFA Artist Members have dropped off their entries. This show has a little Magic & Mystery. Opening Reception Friday, June 3rd 5:30pm. See you there. #galleryexhibit #magic #mystery #leesburgarts