Not because we had been fighting or not getting along. But just because she wanted change. In an attempt to to prove I can be, do everything she loved about me in our youth I literally worked myself to death once again. I WAS SUPPOSE TO MOVE OUT OF HER APARTMENT ON JUNE 30TH, BUT INSTEAD HAD DOUBLE BYPASS SURGERY. She was caring enough to allow me to stay in the apartment until I have the okay to
lift my suitcases. Then I will be out the door with a few dollars to my name and driving a 2015 Nissan LEAF, that I just recently got and will tell you more about later in this message, across the country to family in Seattle. It starts with her asking for the divorce out of nowhere, she tells me she is keeping the dog, the apartment, and the new car but I can have anything else. Everything else is junk, A car she destroyed because she never did any of the maintenance or recalls I kept telling her she should do when she owned it. I got it after it needed a clutch, Radiator, and all new sensors that were destroyed by the blown radiator. It has 177,000 miles on it. Also I have a 2005 Honda Shadow 1100 with a 100,000 miles on it and the ocean air has rusted out all the cables, constantly shorting out the electrical, and i had to rebuild the carbs. She was nice enough to give me 2 months to try and save money to move out, I didn't have an income, but I just got the car working good enough to start Doordashing. I had figured the reason for the divorce really was a money issue since I had gone a couple of months without having made any money. So once I started Doordashing I went at it as physically hard as my body could possibly handle. I have heart issues. I had my first hear attack at 36 anther at 39. The almost complete heart failure at 51. Knowing I would soon lose health care I made sure and got my check-ups done. Found out they were going to have to go into my heart a fourth time and the assumption was that they would finally stent up my last artery that doesn't have them. But, when they got in there they realized they couldn't do stents and had to schedule a double bypass surgery. When I came home to let my wife know, I had to beg to let me recover at home as I had no other option. She told me she needed time to think about it. Eventually she gave the okay but it took weeks. I was visiting my daughter up in Pearland once a week since I had got my car working for a couple of reasons. My best memories are the weekly lunches with my dad and I wanted to have that with my child. Tuesdays are usually bad for income on the island but I could make decent money in Pearland. 2 weeks before my surgery the car loses the timing belt while doing about 80 mph down the freeway and destroys the motor. Now once again I am left with no way of making an income. a couple of days later I have my pre-op appointment and on the way there the motorcycle breaks down. Something once again shorted out on the electrical circuit not allowing it to charge. I had to walk a mile and half to the hospital. My wife was very gracious and rescheduled things at work to drive me home from the hospital. Also just before going into the hospital I was looking at new vehicles and decided I wanted to go full EV so that I didn't have to continue to lose 25% of my Doordash wages to the cost of fuel. But, because I didn't have a steady income I could not get financing even on a used vehicle. I found a 2015 Nissan LEAF the was being sold at a dealership in Houston for about $1,000 less than comparable years. $7.000 66k miles. Battery life 10 of 12 bars. My parents offered to finance it for me. My wife then continued to reschedule her day and drove me to Houston where I picked it up and drove it home. I had my double bypass surgery and came out of it with a kidney stone that took over 254 hours to pass. That second day I thought I wasn't going to make it I had finally given up and then the stone passed. The only person who truly has seen how the most pain I have ever been in was my wife when the first time I had a kidney stone it took 5 days to pass and she had to call the doctor when I was on the floor shaking in pain. But, this time even when she heard I had a kidney stone never did come see me in the hospital. I knew this meant she really is done. So now I am at home recovering with nothing to do. Besides walking I have been trying to figure out how to drive the Nissan Leaf from Galveston TX to Seattle, WA. This is why I have changed my page to New LEAF on Life I am going to document the entire trip. Take suggestions, Donations from those that find the information helpful, and give as much info I can to those with EV that don't get the best mileage but still want to road trip.