New LEAF on Life

New LEAF on Life Photojournalistic Style Photography and Graphic Design Why the change? Its started about 3 months ago when my wife of 33 years ask me for a divorce.

Not because we had been fighting or not getting along. But just because she wanted change. In an attempt to to prove I can be, do everything she loved about me in our youth I literally worked myself to death once again. I WAS SUPPOSE TO MOVE OUT OF HER APARTMENT ON JUNE 30TH, BUT INSTEAD HAD DOUBLE BYPASS SURGERY. She was caring enough to allow me to stay in the apartment until I have the okay to

lift my suitcases. Then I will be out the door with a few dollars to my name and driving a 2015 Nissan LEAF, that I just recently got and will tell you more about later in this message, across the country to family in Seattle. It starts with her asking for the divorce out of nowhere, she tells me she is keeping the dog, the apartment, and the new car but I can have anything else. Everything else is junk, A car she destroyed because she never did any of the maintenance or recalls I kept telling her she should do when she owned it. I got it after it needed a clutch, Radiator, and all new sensors that were destroyed by the blown radiator. It has 177,000 miles on it. Also I have a 2005 Honda Shadow 1100 with a 100,000 miles on it and the ocean air has rusted out all the cables, constantly shorting out the electrical, and i had to rebuild the carbs. She was nice enough to give me 2 months to try and save money to move out, I didn't have an income, but I just got the car working good enough to start Doordashing. I had figured the reason for the divorce really was a money issue since I had gone a couple of months without having made any money. So once I started Doordashing I went at it as physically hard as my body could possibly handle. I have heart issues. I had my first hear attack at 36 anther at 39. The almost complete heart failure at 51. Knowing I would soon lose health care I made sure and got my check-ups done. Found out they were going to have to go into my heart a fourth time and the assumption was that they would finally stent up my last artery that doesn't have them. But, when they got in there they realized they couldn't do stents and had to schedule a double bypass surgery. When I came home to let my wife know, I had to beg to let me recover at home as I had no other option. She told me she needed time to think about it. Eventually she gave the okay but it took weeks. I was visiting my daughter up in Pearland once a week since I had got my car working for a couple of reasons. My best memories are the weekly lunches with my dad and I wanted to have that with my child. Tuesdays are usually bad for income on the island but I could make decent money in Pearland. 2 weeks before my surgery the car loses the timing belt while doing about 80 mph down the freeway and destroys the motor. Now once again I am left with no way of making an income. a couple of days later I have my pre-op appointment and on the way there the motorcycle breaks down. Something once again shorted out on the electrical circuit not allowing it to charge. I had to walk a mile and half to the hospital. My wife was very gracious and rescheduled things at work to drive me home from the hospital. Also just before going into the hospital I was looking at new vehicles and decided I wanted to go full EV so that I didn't have to continue to lose 25% of my Doordash wages to the cost of fuel. But, because I didn't have a steady income I could not get financing even on a used vehicle. I found a 2015 Nissan LEAF the was being sold at a dealership in Houston for about $1,000 less than comparable years. $7.000 66k miles. Battery life 10 of 12 bars. My parents offered to finance it for me. My wife then continued to reschedule her day and drove me to Houston where I picked it up and drove it home. I had my double bypass surgery and came out of it with a kidney stone that took over 254 hours to pass. That second day I thought I wasn't going to make it I had finally given up and then the stone passed. The only person who truly has seen how the most pain I have ever been in was my wife when the first time I had a kidney stone it took 5 days to pass and she had to call the doctor when I was on the floor shaking in pain. But, this time even when she heard I had a kidney stone never did come see me in the hospital. I knew this meant she really is done. So now I am at home recovering with nothing to do. Besides walking I have been trying to figure out how to drive the Nissan Leaf from Galveston TX to Seattle, WA. This is why I have changed my page to New LEAF on Life I am going to document the entire trip. Take suggestions, Donations from those that find the information helpful, and give as much info I can to those with EV that don't get the best mileage but still want to road trip.

So i am backing up my 2015 Nissan Leaf into a charging station and this happened.  Broken ball joint. I have had every c...

So i am backing up my 2015 Nissan Leaf into a charging station and this happened. Broken ball joint. I have had every car issue imaginable and most cars I drive i buy with over 100,000 miles on them and this has never happened.

Find out its a known issues with Leafs. People say expect to replace them every few years.

Huge safety issue that usually results in major injuries or death. Why isn't there a for


DoorDash The Standard milage deduction from the IRS is 56 cents per mile. That is the estimated cost of gas and maintenance on a vehicle. You wanted me to do a delivery 21 miles fir $9. At that rate I am paying more money than I am making to deliver food for your company. Thus is why drivers are going on strike and going to better paying programs when they get a chance. YOU JUST SENT OUT A SURVEY TO DRIVERS, I BET MOST WERE NOT HAPPY.

The poor mans ultimate cheeseburger. On the McDonald's app you can get buy one get one free double cheeseburger. On the ...

The poor mans ultimate cheeseburger. On the McDonald's app you can get buy one get one free double cheeseburger. On the second burger remove bun and condiments removes 200 calories then add the patties to the first burger. Quadruple cheeseburger $2.50 700 calories. I dont get anything else when i do order this. It is still a lot of bad, but it is a bargain and very filling. I like more than the quarter pounder and its half the price.

Electrify America I got to use 1 time this month now were back to this.

Electrify America I got to use 1 time this month now were back to this.

This is a special kind of stupid. I even told him he is not suppose to park there and is blocking much needed chargers. ...

This is a special kind of stupid. I even told him he is not suppose to park there and is blocking much needed chargers. Just shrugged his shoulders and walked into the movies. Bet you cant guess the race, gender, and age group. Stereotypes exist for a reason, even when you fit the stereotype LOL.


Electrify America charged me for monthly membership, yet hasnt had a machine i can use online yet this month. What a complete waste of money.

Go Huskies

Go Huskies


I make my living by Dashing. A driver only gets $2 for a delivery from Doordash if you don't tip your driver they cant afford to accept your order. The only drivers who do. Druve hourly and don't care about your food. They take a long as possible because only pays while driving an order and not while waiting for them.


Sometimes I think that Doordash are trying to screw over their drivers. They will give the option of bicycle motorcycle or car. Ask what type of car, but then screw you over if your car is electric. You just start dashing have a couple of good dashes then they send you 15 miles in a direction that will require 20 miles to recharge and now your done dashing for 4 hours.


Just topped of my charge DeMontrond Hyundai they are such a great dealership and so incredibly nice about using the charger. Its a life saver for me in an old Nissan leaf. There isn't much for chargers once you leave Galveston until you get to League City.


Mercedes is the only car lot that charges to use their EV chargers. Then advertise to test drive a new Mercedes while charging. No Thanks, If I am going to buy another EV it will be from a lot that supoorts EV drivers.

Tesla charging areas are so much nicer than all the others. Can't wait until all cars can use them. So many cars I like ...

Tesla charging areas are so much nicer than all the others. Can't wait until all cars can use them. So many cars I like more than Tesla.


Doordash as a driver it would be great if you asked if people are using electric vehicles. Then not send them on long deliveries where there are no chargers. I have gone down to 2 miles twice today and its only 11am. I would like to keep dashing and not stopping to fully charge my battery every 2 deliveries.


Electrify America you offer the best product on the market at the best location Walmart. Your making money because there is always a wait. So, why does it take months to fix a machine? Why 2 ccs on 2 machines and only 1 with Chademo? You can only use 1 plug on a machine. When the Chademo machine breaks and you take months to fix it some of us are screwed. Also how about machins in Galveston and Kemah texas. Both locations dont have high speed charging within 20 miles.

As part of my New Leaf on Life. I was required to find a new home and being that i just had double bypass surgery that c...

As part of my New Leaf on Life. I was required to find a new home and being that i just had double bypass surgery that cost $5300 I have no more money and couldnt work during recovery. Thanks to a loan from my daughter I picked this sailboat up for $500. This I will make into a home.




Looking for a few sponsors for my cross country road trip starting in 30 days. I am going to need a new set of tires. I hear going up a size helps efficiency. What you say Discount Tire , Tire Rack. I'll be giving updates at every charge and I can't go more than 60 miles currently.

Also looking into Tesla to J1772 adapters. I have been told Lectron is the best, but welcome any challengers who wish to have me do a review of there products.

Also I will need a mobile level 2 charger with NEMA 14-50 plug. right now the best deal looks like a China made Hansshow called Home Flex on Amazon. Sure would like the opportunity to try a US made charger like that from Shell.

With the 2 adaptors I can for sure make the trip from Galveston TX to Seattle, WA with about 50-60 stops along the way. Great opportunity for people to follow and to sponsor your product. Ill even decal my windows for sponsors or put magnetic signs on the car advertising for you. Not to mention the hours at each stop where Ill be talking to the locals about my journey.


Still working on my route of Galveston, TX to Seattle, WA. There is only a few spots where a person has to go more than 60 miles between charges. The state of Kansas seems to be the biggest hurdle. The city in Kansas that really needs a charger is WaKeeney, Kansas . The City should put a charger at the fairgrounds or at a municipal building. There is also a Super 8 by Wyndham . a Best Western Hotels & Resorts , and a 24/7 Travel Stores Every one of these companies would benefit from putting in a charger. They would get business while the person is charging, and it would be the best route for anyone traveling across the country in an EV. The closest chargers are at Hays, Kansas and Oakley, Kansas shout out to to those two cities for adding EV infrastructure to the United States highway system.

Newest EV chargers on Galveston Island Texas.  You probably won't see them on most apps.  But HUGE shout out to  for add...

Newest EV chargers on Galveston Island Texas. You probably won't see them on most apps. But HUGE shout out to for adding 6 EV charges. For Hilton to add EV charges makes them and any other hotel chain a great partner to our environment, our community, and social needs.

When planning a long road trip in an EV, specially older EVs, we will need to rely on businesses adding EV chargers.

Here on the Island I am a Door Dasher and my favorite place to park is at the new Home2Suites because it is next door to which is my favorite spot to get orders from. Now that I have a EV I can get a quick charge while waiting for an order to come in.

I want to add when using EV charging stations at a place like a hotel make sure you give them business even if you are not staying there. When I top off my charge at the end of the day I like to go into the Seawall Lounge and have a drink or two. Its a pleasurable way to end the day, and I have given back to the business that has help me out in my community.


OK well I have some time on my hand, and I know longer have been active with Jonny 3 Fingers Creative services. So You May notice the new name of the page

Its Worked Well Enough To Quit.

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I am in Branson this week

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4925 Fort Crockett Boulevard
Galveston, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm


(425) 232-0174



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