What is about Dhanteras ? When is Dhanteras ?
Dhanteras is october 29th 2014 in USA and Canada. There is a religious statement that Lord Dhanvantari appeared with nectar, Sankh, Chakra, and herbs while churning the sea on this day i.e. on the Triodashi of Kartik Krishna Paksha. Ayurveda is made up of two words "Ayu and Veda". Ayurveda means 'knowledge of age'. Everyone associated with Ayurveda medicine celebrates this day with special significance.
Another important festival of Nepalis, Tihar, which is coming soon after Bada Dashain, has come to everyone's doorstep. Yamapanchak has started from today. Every day of Yamapanchaka has its own religious beliefs. Today Dhan Triodashi i.e. Dhanteras. Today is especially good for Diwali shopping. There is a belief that if we worship Lakshmi with the materials we have bought today, Mother Lakshmi will be happy and make us rich.
If you are buying utensils on the occasion of Dhanteras, it is considered auspicious to buy any item of steel, copper, brass etc. Buying gold as much as possible will be extremely beneficial. Goods bought on the day of Dhanteras should be kept in the east-north direction (northeast corner) of the house.
It is not considered good to give the purchased goods as a gift to others. So keep it to yourself. By doing this, Kuberji will also be happy to be sitting in your house. Note that you should not to buy any black item on Dhan Triodashi. Since the celebration of Lakshmi starts from kag Tihar, it is considered important to worship Mother Lakshmi even that day.. Happy Dhanteras to all.