Tonight in Hamburg, at the @achtsalon, it opens a group exhibition dedicated to the figure of Fantomas. This is my work I've made for the exhibit, two drawings showed as one work. Entitled 'The Real Me", pencil on handmade paper, about 40x30 cm.
In the 1920s, surrealism spread at high speed in Europe, to redefine love, to provide new unknown images to the passions of life. For a program that wanted to change life and the world with artistic techniques, many followers were found not only in Paris. Surrealist groups formed all over the major European cities, confronting the limits of their world with a different imagination.
When Walter Benjamin read Breton's novel Nadja, he obviously had to think of the illegal adventures of an intangible criminal who had been haunting cheap entertainment literature as Fantomas for several years. The walks to which the two dreamy lovers, Nadja and André, had seduced each other, expanded to include the "breakneck path that led over roofs, lightning rods, rain pipes, porches, and weathervanes."
While the exhibition Nadja as Roadmovie adhered closely to Breton's text, with the second part of the exhibition we leave the safe terrain of the novel and seek a connection to the areas of the imaginary world to which the craftsmen of lawbreaking have access. On this path we now leave the subject of Nadja and exchange it with the masks of Fantomas, the cheap shadows of the other face of love in surrealism, the penny roman gold of the alchemists who bathe in the flood of images of the sacred world of commodities and save up for their sex change. So don't expect enlightenment. Our medium is the night.
Mit Beiträgen von: Abel Auer, Nicl Barbro, @sam_born_stein, Philippe Depreux, @MattDillon, @MauroDiSilvestre, Melas Eichhorn, Dorothea Goldschmidt, Kolja Gollub, Gudny Gudmundsdottir, @AndyHope1930, Axel Heil, @marcelhueppauff, Linda McCue, Jonathan Meese, Dirk Meinzer, Guttorm Nordø
#questionediequilibrio #oilandpencilonpaper #workinprogress #worksonpaper #staytuned
Work in progress...
#staytuned #tretigri #tretigrieunfrate #cartadazucchero #onpaper #painting #workinprogress #tigers #threetigers #theyearofthecat
Today is a Pulcinella but tomorrow it will be an Arlequin
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#thatsit #siamoallafrutta #painting #paintingoveroldpaintings #oilonoldpainting #lapittura #sempreecomunque
Almost done...
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Tg5 today
#artistiinaiuto #covid19
thanks to
Le tre muse (detail), 2020, pencil and oil on paper, 70x50 cm
#recordaris #comingsoon #pitturaitalianacontemporanea #boulognebillancourt #france #doppiapersonale avec #veronicabotticelli #doublesolo #exposition #artexhibition #pitturaitaliana #paintings and #worksonpaper #oilonpaper #artoftheday #picoftheday #instart #instawork #letremuse #tragedyandcomedy #tragedieetcomedie #stavosololavorando
Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun...
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#varnishing #verniciatura #portrait #commissionwork #picoftheday #instapainting #instaartwork #paintingoftheday #artgram #instawork #painting
#painting #gialloindiano #oiloncavas #picoftheday #grazieallavita #chemihadatotanto #gabriellaferri
L'Uomo Nero (hands drawing)
L'Uomo Nero, 2009, di Sergio Rubini
(mine are the hands that are drawing
and the drawings themselves)