
Körperbeats Tanz, Theater, Workshops, Teambuilding, Vorträge

Unbezahlte Anzeige

Unbezahlte Anzeige

Every day brings new choices.Martha Beck🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

Every day brings new choices.

Martha Beck🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.Marcel Proust...

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.

Marcel Proust🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈When you’re healthy again, you’ll be there too. We thank you 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

Poetry is simply the most beautiful, impressive, and widely effective mode of saying things.Matthew Arnold🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈      ...

Poetry is simply the most beautiful, impressive, and widely effective mode of saying things.

Matthew Arnold🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

I do not care so much what I am to others as I care what I am to myself.Michel de Montaigne🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈                      ...

I do not care so much what I am to others as I care what I am to myself.
Michel de Montaigne🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

So many books, so little time. Frank Zappa🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

So many books, so little time. Frank Zappa🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

Fashion fades, only style remains the same.Coco Chanel🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈                                                          ...

Fashion fades, only style remains the same.

Coco Chanel🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈


Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing...

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.

Henry Ford🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈


I like fashion to wear something what fits to my personality. I like to play with roles between gender, expression and s...

I like fashion to wear something what fits to my personality. I like to play with roles between gender, expression and statement. 🌈🌈🌈🌈unbezahlte Anzeige🌈🌈🌈🌈

The expression of beauty is in direct ratio to the power of conception the artist has acquired.Gustave Courbet🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 ...

The expression of beauty is in direct ratio to the power of conception the artist has acquired.

Gustave Courbet🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈


📢 Petition zum Erhalt der Kölner Bürgerzentren 📢

In Köln gibt es 14 Bürgerzentren, die von der Stadt Köln einen Zuschuss zu ihren Betriebskosten erhalten – die Alte Feuerwache gehört auch dazu. Für das Haushaltsjahr 2025/26 steht nun eine Kürzung der Mittel von bis zu 20 % im Raum. Das wäre katastrophal! Denn die allgemeinen Kostensteigerungen machen den Zentren schon jetzt zu schaffen.

Deshalb wurde nun eine Petition gestartet, die sich stark macht für eine auskömmliche Finanzierung der Häuser. Es sind schon über 1000 Unterschriften zusammengekommen! Seid ihr auch dabei und zeichnet mit? Wir zählen auf euch!

👉 https://tinyurl.com/buergerzentren

Bald ist es soweit. Die Aufführung der Earlies und Juniors . Nicht nur die Kinder sind aufgeregt. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈Soon it’s time....

Bald ist es soweit. Die Aufführung der Earlies und Juniors . Nicht nur die Kinder sind aufgeregt. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈Soon it’s time. The performance of the Earlies and Juniors . It’s not just the children who are excited🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

Movement is life;‘ and it is well to be able to forget the past, and kill the present by continual change.Jules Verne🌈🌈🌈...

Movement is life;‘ and it is well to be able to forget the past, and kill the present by continual change.

Jules Verne🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈bestager

Live every day as if it is a festival. Turn your life into a celebrationShri Radhe Maa🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈spontaneously went to a fr...

Live every day as if it is a festival. Turn your life into a celebration

Shri Radhe Maa🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈spontaneously went to a free festival because you met a friend who is a drummer and plays there. It was a celebration for me. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither, deep roots...

All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost.

J. R. R. Tolkien🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈    ...

Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

Ein wundervoller Tag mit Freunden in Düsseldorf. Eine tolle Einrichtung besucht. Danke für das tolle Fest.  🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈A wo...

Ein wundervoller Tag mit Freunden in Düsseldorf. Eine tolle Einrichtung besucht. Danke für das tolle Fest. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈A wonderful day with friends in Düsseldorf. Visited a great facility. Thank you for the great celebration.🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

my thoughts on the subject of memories. Life is only valuable through its memories and the experiences that are stored i...

my thoughts on the subject of memories. Life is only valuable through its memories and the experiences that are stored in memories.🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈Meine Gedanken zum Thema Erinnerungen. Das Leben ist erst wertvoll durch seine Erinnerungen und die Erlebnisse die in Erinnerungen abgespeichert werden. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

If you begin to understand what you are without trying to change it, then what you are undergoes a transformation.Jiddu ...

If you begin to understand what you are without trying to change it, then what you are undergoes a transformation.

Jiddu Krishnamurti🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

I take a lot of pride in being myself. I’m comfortable with who I am.James McAvoy🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈                   ***an  ***r ...

I take a lot of pride in being myself. I’m comfortable with who I am.

James McAvoy🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 ***an ***r **oy

Some people think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration. But as time goes by, what is true ...

Some people think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration. But as time goes by, what is true is revealed, and what is fake fades away.

Ismail Haniyeh🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.Albert Einstein🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈                        ...

Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
Albert Einstein🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

I have eclectic taste, and I love vintage style mixed with glamour and old world charm.Sonam Kapoor🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈            ...

I have eclectic taste, and I love vintage style mixed with glamour and old world charm.

Sonam Kapoor🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

Denke an die Schritte die du im leben gehen willst. Glaube an jeden Schritt und sei überzeugt, das er gut und für den Mo...

Denke an die Schritte die du im leben gehen willst. Glaube an jeden Schritt und sei überzeugt, das er gut und für den Moment richtig ist. Spüre jeden Schritt im hier und jetzt und lass ihn so unvergesslich werden. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈Think about the steps you want to take in life. Believe in every step and be convinced that it is good and right for the moment. Feel every step in the here and now and make it unforgettable.🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, ne...

Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.

Swami Vivekananda🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈. Live your life and don’t try to live other people’s lives. It is your own life and only you decide how you want to live it. How would you live if tomorrow was your last day on this earth?🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈Lebe dein leben und versuche nicht das Leben der anderen zu leben. Es ist dein eigenes Leben und nur du entscheidest wie du es leben willst. Wie würdest du leben, wenn morgen dein letzter Tag auf dieser Erde wäre? 🌈🌈please left a comment!!!!🌈🌈🌈🌈

Mein letzter Tag in Berlin. immer mit einem lachenden und einem weinenden Auge verlasse ich dich. Es war wieder sehr sch...

Mein letzter Tag in Berlin. immer mit einem lachenden und einem weinenden Auge verlasse ich dich. Es war wieder sehr schön und ich freue mich immer meine Freunde hier zu treffen. Aber auch neue Menschen durfte ich kennenlernen. Diesmal war es auch ein Bildungsurlaub der mich hier her brachte. Tolle Erfahrungen nehme ich mit in meinem Gepäck. ich freue mich auf das nächste Mal. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈My last day in Berlin. I always leave you with a laughing and a crying eye. It was very nice again and I’m always happy to meet my friends here. But I was also able to meet new people. This time it was also an educational holiday that brought me here. I take great experiences with me in my luggage. I’m looking forward to next time.🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

Das wichtigste was ich im Leben gelernt habe ist es aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln zu sehen. Mich in verschiedene Perspe...

Das wichtigste was ich im Leben gelernt habe ist es aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln zu sehen. Mich in verschiedene Perspektiven zu sehen und zu erleben und auch andere Menschen als eine Perspektive des Lebens zu betrachten. Jede Person sieht sich in einer bestimmten Perspektive und lebt sein leben. Ich darf nicht das Leben nur nach einem Blickwinkel betrachten, sondern muss lernen in den Schuhen des anderen diese individuelle Perspektive erleben. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈The most important thing I have learned in life is to see it from different perspectives. To see and experience myself in different perspectives and also to look at other people as a perspective of life. Each person sees themselves in a certain perspective and lives their life. I can’t just look at life from one perspective, but I have to learn to experience this individual perspective in other people’s shoes.🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈




Mittwoch 09:00 - 17:00
Donnerstag 09:00 - 17:00




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