AVANT GUARDS | Dec 14 2024
If you missed the show, here's a taste of the wild, wonderful event that was AVANT GUARDS presented by La Mama and Pony Cam, December 14 2024. Starring La Mama staff, volunteers and Committee members and the Pony Cam Collective, this spectacular ran all across the day and well into the night...
Our final show for the year, the climatic end to the fundraiser OUR NEXT ACT, and an adieu to our community as we pause programming across 2025 to carry out critical work, reimagining the company for 2026 and beyond.
Videography by Ruiqi Fu & Robert D'Ottavi
AVANT GUARDS | Dec 14 2024
If you missed the show, here's a taste of the wild, wonderful event that was AVANT GUARDS presented by La Mama and Pony Cam, December 14 2024. Starring La Mama staff, volunteers and Committee members and the Pony Cam Collective, this spectacular ran all across the day and well into the night...
Our final show for the year, the climatic end to the fundraiser OUR NEXT ACT, and an adieu to our community as we pause programming across 2025 to carry out critical work, reimagining the company for 2026 and beyond.
Videography by Ruiqi Fu & Robert D'Ottavi
AVANT GUARDS | Dec 14 2024
If you missed the show, here's a taste of the wild, wonderful event that was AVANT GUARDS presented by La Mama and Pony Cam, December 14 2024. Starring La Mama staff, volunteers and Committee members and the Pony Cam Collective, this spectacular ran all across the day and well into the night...
Our final show for the year, the climatic end to the fundraiser OUR NEXT ACT, and an adieu to our community as we pause programming across 2025 to carry out critical work, reimagining the company for 2026 and beyond.
Videography by Ruiqi Fu & Robert D'Ottavi
A slice of life at AVANT GUARDS! Come and join us - finale at 5pm, plenty happening before that and a big party after. Let's keep this fundraising going and keep La Mama running... Xx
📆 PLUS1 Matched Funding: Dec 14 ALL DAY
📆 AVANT GUARDS: Dec 14 from 11am - come & go as you please!
🕰 Artwork auction: James Clayden paintings, bidding commences at 11am
ℹ️ Find out more here: https://lamama.com.au/support-la-mama/avant-guards/
So much love and thanks to everyone who has donated already to OUR NEXT ACT.
We have so far raised $33,927 across the entire campaign from 126 extremely divine donors.
Amazing effort - let's see if we can double it today - knowing that Creative Australia will double today's donations again 😊 XX
What can people expect from AVANT GUARDS today?
✨ A wild all-day performance by La Mama and Pony Cam
✨ A silent auction of fifteen James Clayden paintings
✨ A loud auction of… other things
✨ DOC pizza
✨ Brunetti gelato
✨ Signature Indigo Vodka La Mama cocktail
✨ Second hand vinyl and books
✨ Possibly a raffle… possibly more than one
✨ Running. Lots of running. Lots of keeping this place running…
✨ The doubling of the dollars you donate to OUR NEXT ACT via Creative Australia’s PLUS1
✨ An enormous puddle of glorious La Mama love
Do join us! Kicks off at 11am, pop in and out, stay for the day, come for the full spectacle or just come for the ice cream - you choose your adventure! Grand finale at 5pm and party after that. We’ll see you here XX
📆 PLUS1 Matched Funding: Dec 14 ALL DAY
📆 AVANT GUARDS: Dec 14 from 11am - come & go as you please!
🕰 Artwork auction: James Clayden paintings, bidding commences at 11am
ℹ️ Find out more here: https://lamama.com.au/support-la-mama/avant-guards/
La Mama and Pony Cam present Avant Guards - our absolute final show for the year!
Saturday December 14, any time from 11am.
Grand Finale at 5pm followed by a community celebration until late.
Pony Cam is working with La Mama - staff, curators, volunteers, and at least one legal representative from the Board - to make a show.
It is a show about La Mama.
Made from the perspectives of multiple generations.
Taking over innumerable spaces.
And framed across a whole day.
Together we will examine the sacrifice that keeps La Mama going, the quiet joys of working the bar, and the enduring weight of its own history.
Half interrogation. Half blowout. Avant Guards is an urgent exploration, where we invite our community to engage in La Mama’s future: the possibilities, realities, needs, impacts and, of course, the budget!
This durational performance is the last day of La Mama’s fundraising campaign: OUR NEXT ACT.
There will be ample opportunity to give in person with a special signature Indigo Vodka La Mama cocktail, DOC pizza, the famous Brunetti gelato cart - and choose-where-your-money-goes adventures!
Pop in for fifteen minutes or spend the whole day - watch the show - join in the show or sit on the periphery and soak it all up.
Join us, and let’s invest now in our shared future.
Created by Pony Cam and La Mama.
📆 Dec 14 from 11am - come & go as you please!
ℹ️ https://lamama.com.au/support-la-mama/avant-guards/
🌿 Spring is the season for Festivals!
We kick off with the Melbourne Fringe, with six super exciting new shows by Pam Wood, Linnea Tengroth, Emma Gibson, Liv Satchell, Charlotte Otton, and Rowena Hutson. Thanks to Melbourne Fringe for their support in what promises to be a brilliant couple of weeks from Oct 2 - 20.
We move straight into Victorian Seniors Festival with the return of some of our favourite La Mama artists: Kate Herbert, Dennis Coard, Ella Filar, Kevin Summers and Maude Davey. Oct 21 - 27
And then begins the inaugural La Mama Festival of Mother Tongues - a multi-lingual season with shows in languages including Farsi, Persian, Sicilian, Marathi, Spanish, Filipino, Italian, Polish, French, Maori, Greek, Mandarin, and Macedonian. Many of the shows will use English surtitles, and the festival is an opportunity for the communities who speak these languages to attend a show in Melbourne in their native tongue, as much as it is an opportunity for English speakers to experience new sounds and cultures right here in Carlton. Nov 12 - 24 at HQ, Courthouse, COASIT and Motley Bauhaus - don't miss it.
On top of that we are thrilled with our primary season which includes shows by Tamblyn Lord, Kimberley Twiner, and Maryanne Sam, and we finish the year with old faves La Mamica: Musica, Poetica, Scratch and Cabaretica.
Plus - there'll be one further surprise, but more about that another day...
Spring is the final season for La Mama before we put a pause on performance for one year's review and regeneration - and we are going out with a true celebration of theatre!! There is absolutely something for everyone this Spring, and we welcome you all with our arms wide open for this, our final season for 2024.
Much love XX
📅 Oct 2 - Dec 14
🎥 Ruiqi Fu
ℹ️ Find out more & book: https://lamama.com.au/whats-on/spring-2024/
Welcome to the final day of La Mama’s Professional Development Series. First up this morning: ARE WE THERE YET??? - Is it time to celebrate cultural diversity..? or do we have some ways to go before we arrive at a place where celebration is possible? Join Amarantha Robinson with Dax Carnay, Erica McCalman, Lauren Mullings & Effie Nkrumah in ten minutes at the Courthouse or online for the first session of the FINAL DAY of what has been an extraordinary series! See you at 9.30! Watch: https://m.youtube.com/live/EiX5V6B9334
Join Kat Carrington and Shane Grant in the Dark Space..! - as they talk you through the Art of Stage and Production Management for Independent Artists - pretty sure most of us working in theatre need to be across this. Starts in fifteen - see you at 1.30! Watch: https://www.youtube.com/live/YvUPcOWA5fo?feature=share
The rain has cleared, and we’re snug at the Courthouse this morning! Come on in for a cuppa and a free Producing Skillset professional development session with two of the biggest names in producing: Laura Milke Garner and Kath Papas! If you can’t get here in person make yourself a warm bevy and log onto the livestream. We start in five! See you at 9.30! Watch: https://www.youtube.com/live/lZB876Mn1wo?feature=share
It's time to get empowered, as Jamie Bucirde takes us through strategies for safety in the workplace in Session 3: The Art of Wellbeing for Artists. How do you recognise and respond to sexual harassment as a performer or arts worker, and how can you cultivate healthy relationships? Find out at 1.30pm, live or livestream. Watch: https://m.youtube.com/live/N2ESUu7yBTk?feature=share